Home Nashville Sports Scrappers fall to Ashdown, edge out Mena in diamond action

Scrappers fall to Ashdown, edge out Mena in diamond action


bballNASHVILLE – The Nashville Scrappers saw mixed results on the diamond at Wilson Park so far this week, falling to a local baseball powerhouse, while taking a narrow win later in the week.

The team first hosted the Ashdown Panthers in a game Tuesday afternoon, despite threatened rain, which saw one of the first big challenges for the Nashville team.
The Panthers began strong with a pair of runs in the first inning, and established the game as one being played in the field. The Scrappers were able to respond in the bottom of the first with a single run, as Jackson Beavert was walked in after six plays, leaving the score Ashdown 2-1 at the end of the first.
Thereafter the game was Ashdown’s as they displayed why they have the reputation of consistently having one of the most powerful baseball teams in southwest Arkansas. When the hard defense that they are noted for was not on open display, the Panthers put in workmanlike efforts on scoring, a run here, two there. They achieved one run in the third, two in the fifth and three in the sixth, as the Scrappers were restricted sharply from the hard offense that they seem to prefer. Final score was Ashdown 8-1.
Hunter White was the workhorse for the Nashville team during the game, with 10 runners put out and a single assist, while Lucas Liggin at the mound was also notable, managing three strikeouts in his six innings of pitching.
The following afternoon, on Wednesday, the Scrappers hosted the Mena Bearcats in a game moved up from Friday, due to forecasts of even more bad weather, which had a very different feel and result.
The Bearcats came out with some strength, scoring a run in the top of the first, but did not have the hard defense that Ashdown was able to put up – something of which the Scrappers took full advantage. They posted two runs by the end of the second, with Chas Scott and White coming in based off Austin Chambers’s batting – one on an error, the other as the ball was swatted to the outfield.
The following inning, Nick Myers smacked one over the fence to round out the Scrappers’ final score of Nashville 3-1.
Chambers was the strong offensive contributor for the game, while Tyler Hanson takes credit for the win with eight strikeouts in seven innings.
The Scrappers are next scheduled to play on the road at Malvern Monday afternoon.