Home Nashville Sports Nashville boys place fourth, girls 10th at home meet

Nashville boys place fourth, girls 10th at home meet


Asia Munn psdNASHVILLE – Deajeon Armstrong won the triple jump and placed second in the long jump Friday to lead the Nashville Scrappers to a fourth place overall finish in this season’s iteration of the Scrapper Relays. Arkansas High won the meet with over 200 points scored.
Apart from Armstrong’s 42’6.5” and 21’2” performances, Nashville was less than competitive in the meet, earning just one other second place ribbon courtesy of the 4x800m relay team, which did its job in 9:02.92.

The team was buoyed, however, by a host of low-scoring finishes. Kiawan Wynn took seventh in the 100m dash (11.82), Warren May placed similarly in the 400m dash (54.17) and Robbie Morphew earned the same ribbon in the 800m run with a 2:13.96 effort.
Ignacio Perez managed two scoring finishes, taking seventh in the 1600m run (5:09.40) and sixth in the 3200m run (11:17.85), while Austin Gibbs took sixth and eighth, respectively, in the 110m and 300m hurdles.
LaMichael Pettway added an eighth place finish with a 19’8” long jump, and Kirby Adcock claimed seventh in the discus with a 119’4” throw. More notable finishes came courtesy of Sam Cogburn, who took fourth in the 110m hurdles with a 16.84 finish, and Trey Hughes, who managed fifth in the triple jump with 41’4.25”.
The school’s 4x400m relay team rounded out scoring with a sixth place finish in 3:43.90.
The Scrapperettes, meanwhile, were led by Asia Munn, herself one of only three Nashville women to score at the meet. Munn took fourth in the 300m hurdles (50.57) and triple jump (33’4.25”) as well as eighth in the 100m hurdles (19.60). She also finished seventh in the women’s high jump with a 4’6” effort.
Nashville’s remaining points came courtesy of Mercedes Matthews’ eighth place finish in the 100m dash (13.55) and Latrice Wiley’s fifth place showing in the triple jump (32’6”).
Nashville’s girls placed 10th overall.