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Bonnerdale News, April 9


By Karroll Morphew

Happy birthday to Bill Vines, April 3, and Kelly Duggan, April 14.
Jackie Forga Dollar, 78, of Fayetteville, Arkansas, died Tuesday, March 31, 2015. She was the daughter of Dewey and Maggie Short Forga, and was married to Dick Dollar. Funeral services were at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 4, 2015, in the Mt. Tabor Community Church, with burial in the Mt. Tabor Cemetery. Jackie grew up in the Mt. Tabor Community and her late husband Dick grew up in the Bonnerdale area. Our condolences to her family.
Jim has a few thoughts this week: “He’s back!” Some time ago I wrote about how good it is to have good neighbors. All of you readers can probably think of the good ones you have had and how beneficial you can be to each other. I am glad to say that we have good ones now.
There is one in particular that once again, I would like to mention. He lives just a short distance north of us and is one of the hardest working fellows that I know of. He works mostly on the night shift, but when he is on the job, he makes the fur and chips fly. He is continually doing repairs on his house, and his building skills show in his home. He has a design that is unique and can withstand the most ferocious wind and rain storms. He is a dog lover and loves to play with our Chocolate Lab. You could easily say he is busy as a beaver 24 hours a day.
His most recent project is daming up the branch on my place. I like him and certainly my dog likes to play with him, but I am not too sure that the county judge and the road maintenance crew think too highly of him. You see, he dams up the branch and the road ditch, which then causes it to flood the road. The Montgomery County crew have been very good at ‘removing the dam’, but how long they will continue to do this is up in the air. Yes, he is a good neighbor and busy as a beaver all of the time.
Speaking of the road maintenance crew, the Montgomery County crew does a good job, but as wet as this spring has been, it is impossible for them to take care of all of the pot holes that are in our road. If there was some way that our beaver neighbor could be trained to work night shift on these pot holes, I am sure they would appreciate it.
We have lived in five different states and several different communities within these states, and I am glad to say that we have been blessed with good neighbors, but none of these can top the good folks who live in our hometown of Glenwood, Arkansas. I was recently visiting with a man who was passing through our community. He expressed his opinion of the ‘Glenwood Neighborhood’. He said the people here have a smile on their face. They are so helpful in every way, and I will be back for another visit. Attitudes like this, shown by our community, is what makes my home and your home into a good place to live. Let’s all be as busy as a beaver, my neighbor, and do our part to make this an even better place to live.
Probably everyone can relate to this thought of the week: “Why do I have to press one for English when I’m just going to be transferred to someone I can’t understand anyway?”
See you next week.