Tag: mountain biking
Newbie Knowledge, or learning what not to do on a mountain...
With the rise in interest for the three IMBA Epic Trails in Montgomery County efforts have been made by area organizations to raise local...
Mount Ida Area Chamber honors local heroes
MOUNT IDA – Those in attendance at the Mount Ida Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet received valuable information regarding mountain biking and tourism...
Record setting day at the Ouachita Challenge
The 2016 Ouachita Challenge, which took place on Sunday, April 4, saw a full complement of regular riders, as well as first-timers, compete...
Bike Magazine writer, photographer visit local trails
Mountain bike tourism made another move recently when a writer and photographer from Bike Magazine visited the area to gather information for a...
Houston youth enjoy local trails
A group of bikers from Cornerstone Recovery of Houston, Texas was spotted in Mount Ida Wednesday as they prepared to take to the Lake...
Discussion offers insight into future of mountain bike tourism
MOUNT IDA - Local business people and trail enthusiasts filled the meeting room at the Mount Ida Civic Center, Tuesday, September 22, to discuss...