Tag: Humor column
Famous Last Words
Pokin' Fun | Doc Blakely
If you want to go out of this life and leave a memorable impression it would be a good idea...
Fiddlin’ Fools
Pokin' Fun | Doc Blakely
Hank Thompson wrote a song touting the virtues of an old violin, The Older the Violin, the Sweeter the Music....
Generating Generations
Pokin Fun by Doc Blakely
Everyone gets advice from their parents about choosing a profession I suppose. My father wanted me to be a professional...
So They Say
Pokin' Fun | Doc Blakely
My friend Weldon called my attention via e mail to the use of paraprosdokians, figures of speech in which the...
Kids Are Almost Human
Pokin' Fun by Doc Blakely
My friend, Linda, was telling me about a little girl of her acquaintance, about 4 years old, who was in...
Lead, Follow, or Get out of the Way
Pokin' Fun | Doc Blakely
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “There go my people. I must catch them for I am their leader.” Gandhi lead the...
The Spent Arrow
Pokin Fun | Doc Blakely
There is an old saying, “The hasty word like the spent arrow can never be retrieved.” The younger generation may...
A Sweetheart Deal
Pokin' Fun by Doc Blakely
Valentine’s Day has just come and gone. Most guys get a failing grade for thoughtfulness on this occasion and have...
Where There’s a Will There’s a Way
Pokin Fun by Doc Blakely
It’s funny what people leave to others in their will. I read the last will and testament of a settler...
Pokin’ Fun by Doc Blakely
I find laughter everywhere I go but I don’t expect to see reference to it on the walls behind the check-in desk at hotels....