Home Opinion Mine Creek Revelations: A Game of Chicken with Our Judicial System

Mine Creek Revelations: A Game of Chicken with Our Judicial System


YES, I AM STILL HERE peeking out my window on Main Street and it looks to me that former-President Trump is playing a game of chicken with the American judicial system.

Judges keep slapping ‘gag’ orders on him, but he hasn’t stopped making inflammatory statements and posting stuff on social media, just daring any of the judges to do anything about his continuing actions.

So far he’s gotten away with it. And maybe he is actually hoping that one of the judges will throw him in jail and he could get his followers to riot again.

I WAS saving up my allowance to purchase a couple of Trump Trading Cards, but now I’ve got my sights set on those Bibles he’s selling. Does it cost extra if he autographs it? How embaressing.

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ANIMAL CRACKERS. One of the first things I read in the newspaper is the ‘Early Files’ column which Patsy Young assembles from old stories and pictures from the pages of the ‘Nashville News.’

I note that this week there is mention of a citizen shooting a ‘catamount’ which is just another name for mountain lion. 

This predates the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission and therefore there is no one to say that catamounts don’t exist.

AND I CAN’T go any further without bringing both of you up-to-date on my bluebirds. There is a mockingbird which attacks the bluebirds as they arrive at, or leave from, the bluebird box on my patio.

Somewhere under something behind something or otherwise hidden from sight or memory is my Red Ryder BB gun. I could no more hit that mockingbird than I could dig a hole to China.

But just the thought is gratifying.

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How odd that there is a runoff ballot for the Republican nomination for state representative; also the Democrat nomination for one district of the Howard County Quorum Court;  and non-partisan for a seat on the Mineral Springs School Board? Three different ballots.

IT IS IMPORTANT that Howard Countians get out and vote. Vote, or don’t complain.

I call your attention to the state representative’s race.

Dolly Henley is a known commodity here because of her great work for Nashville City Parks.

I recommend her to you.

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MY SINCERE THANKS to all the folks who worked to make the Easter events of 2024 happen. That list includes egg hunts, parades, worship events and Easter Sunday dinner.

I managed to keep my mouth closed, mostly (except at Sunday dinner) to remind you about egg hunts in days of yore.

Back in the 70s, the Jaycees and Jaycettes had an Easter Egg Hunt on the courthouse lawn.

There were no plastic eggs. We had to boil and dye 1,500 eggs donated by local poultry companies.

The county judge postponed mowing of the courthouse lawn for about a week ahead of Easter in hopes that there would be at least a few blades of grass to hide eggs behind.

I thought for sure that the kids had found all the eggs, but on Monday morning there was a stream of technicolor eggshells and grass blowing out from the mower on the courthouse lawn.

Growing up at 303 College St., we had egg hunts every Easter. When rain prevented an outdoor egg hunt, the older kids hid eggs all over the house for the little kids to find.

On year, after several weeks of sniffing something offensive in the air of the living room, we found a leftover egg hidden behind a book on the bookshelf.

Whew, that pastel blue sure did smell!

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A DEATH. I’ve had difficulties getting information for an obituary but I learned this past weekend of the death of George “Mike” Byrd, an honor grad in the NHS class of 1962. He was one of two National Merit Scholarship winners from that esteemed class. The other was the late Jim McClure.

Mike was also one of the alltime great clarinet players in the history of the Scrapper band. Jim played the trombone but his reputation languished in my shadow since I was a year older.

Mike took his scholarship to MIT. I believe he got a bachelor’s degree in physics; and a master’s in English. Sometime later he moved to California he got a law degree. RIP.

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THINGS I LEARNED by opening email: I was walking in the jungle and saw a lizard on his hind legs telling jokes. I turned to a local tribal leader and said, “That lizard is really funny!” The leader replied, “That’s not a lizard. He’s a stand-up chameleon.”

My deepest apologies to all.

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WORD GAMES. Siblings: Peaches and Cream. Weren’t they a soul singing duo? Or just a great summer dessert?

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HE SAID: “Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen — that stillness becomes a radiance.” Morgan Freeman, actor

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SHE SAID: “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” Edith Wharton, novelist

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