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DAR donates to Howard County Library


The Mine Creek-Paraclifta Chapter of Daughters of American Revolution presented the Howard County Library with a copy of Buried Lives: The Enslaved People of George Washington’s Mount Vernon by author Carla Killough McClafferty, who describes the lives of Mt. Vernon’s slaves in general and provides a focus on six slaves who came into close contact with the Washingtons. McClafferty also explains in clear terms the property laws of the day that complicated George Washington’s eventual decision to free the people he owned, and the modern-day archaeological survey at Mount Vernon’s slave Cemetery that is uncovering new information about a burial ground that was nearly forgotten to time. Members attending the book presentation were (from left) Velma Owens, Vice regent; Carrie McGaha, Treasurer; prospective member Fran Strawn, Librarians Tammy Watson, Kathy Peer and Karsyn Archer; Regent Elizabeth Overton and DAR member Valerie Gathright.