Home Opinion Mine Creek Revelations: Space Available?

Mine Creek Revelations: Space Available?


YES, I AM STILL HERE peeking out my window on Main Street and I was thinking about Vanessa Weeks’s talk to the Rotary Club, last week. She mentioned compiling information — not just for replacing Husqvarna  — about the community including large unused buildings that might have a use for small industries. My memory: The old ‘Garment Plant’ started out here by training workers in an abandoned grocery store building on Main Street. A hundred jobs.

That got me to think, always dangerous.

There are many sizeable buildings in Nashville, some of them unused and some are just used for storage, where there is no commercial or retail activity.

I think, also, of how some bright young businessmen re-purposed the old Fred’s building which was just drawing dust.

There’s not much on Main, and I don’t count the old ice plant.

But …. Nearby on South Mill is the old Aerometalcraft. Windows broken out.

On Hempstead St. there is the old Coke plant, now used for storage. Across the street is the old Steuart Cooley Builders Supply building which was a pawn shop later. Before Cooley it was an International Harvester agency (trucks and tractors) owned by Mr. King.

The old concrete Bob McClure Produce building directly behind the Post Office. And east of that is the old facility of Pilgrims. But the feed ingredient silos are a problem like the Ice Plant.

In that same area, the old Jimmy Staggs concrete plant and Coy Ponder poultry supply. And in that same area in the curve at the bridge, that building once held an Oldsmobile dealership.

Out on the bypass is the not-so-old large convenience store which is now a truck parking place.

On North Main at the intersection with Polk is a building where Mr. Tollett operated a feed store. Feed store reminds me of Bob Coleman Feeds on Hale Street behind Farmers Bank.

The old Southside school which is probably too far gone to be saved.

In the Southpark Shopping Center is Walmart’s first building here. At one time Georgia Pacific used it, but I don’t know now.

What about the sadly empty Western Sizzlin’ building. Just down a side road from that is the old Central Soya complex.

And Loyd Woodruff is a shrewd businessman who owns a bunch of large buildings that could be used for a small industry.

There’s lots of possibilities, and we all pray the best for Vanessa Weeks and the Developing Howard County economic group. Thank you, Husqvarna,

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WHAT’S FOR LENT? Several Christian denominations observe Lent, the 40 days preceding Easter. The Lenten season begins next week — Ash Wednesday. The day before is Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) when some people party party party in order to cleanse their bodies and minds for the serious business of Lent.

On Ash Wednesday some denominations have the Sign of the Cross traced on their foreheads in ash made from burnt palm fronds leftover from Palm Sunday. It’s getting complicated, isn’t it?

This year Lent begins Wednesday, Feb. 14; by coincidence it is also St. Valentine’s Day. You could give someone a box of candy and they wouldn’t eat it until Easter Sunday if they were giving up chocolate.

The Christian denominations which observe Lent include Catholic, Methodist, Episcopal, Anglican and maybe some others (forgive my ignorance). Many of these people ‘give up’ something for the 40 days. Some fast, or don’t eat red meat during the day.

This might be how the Muslims started Ramadan when they fast during the day.

Every year I bravely announce that I will give up M&M Peanuts, but my will power lasts about a day. Just joking, but I have a brother who once really did give up beer for Lent. His wife forbade him to do it again.

Not joking.

Our Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters observe both Lent and Easter on different days because their church’s pre-Easter dates are based upon the Julian Calendar instead of the Gregorian Calendar. Or, they’re based upon the Gregorian Calendar instead of the Julian Calendar.

One or the other, I assure you.

This year on Good Friday, I expect that the Hispanic community in St. Martin’s Catholic Church will again have their procession. Someone in the role of Jesus will carry the cross to the church campus where the crucifixion is re-enacted. It is a sight to see, with costumed ‘Roman’ soldiers and mourners.

It is a solemn time of the year, especially with the current events in the Holy Land.

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THE GOOD EARTH. It rained 11 days in  January. Officlal rainfall total was 7.84 inches. Normal for the month is 3.95.

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WORD GAMES. They hang out near the kitchen: “Come and Get It.”

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HE SAID: “If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes.” John Wooden, legendary college basketball coach

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SHE SAID: “I believe that you should gravitate to people who are doing productive and positive things with their lives.” Nadia Comaneci, Olympic gymnastics legend

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