Home Opinion Mine Creek Revelations: Sorry, Ms. Hill

Mine Creek Revelations: Sorry, Ms. Hill


YES, I AM STILL HERE looking out my window on Main Street, and I intended to write something funny for this week’s column, but  my mind wanders off to an area where there’s not much amusing stuff going on.

Stuck somewhere between my ears is the thought that maybe ‘we’ owe an apology to Anita Hill who was an Oklahoma University law professor back in 1991 when she testified at the Supreme Court nomination hearing of Clarence Thomas.

She didn’t have nice things to say about him.

As it turned out ….

At the time I despised Anita for saying such bad things about the man.

And at the time we had no idea how evil his wife was, either.

Money is most assuredly the root of all evil. The Thomases appear to have been a good investment for some wealthy ‘friends.’

They don’t think it has the appearance of wrong that they benefitted so many years at the hand of a billionaire. They don’t think any of us ought to have any thoughts about the Justice’s objectivity in his rulings. 

Washington, D.C., is an incestuous place. Supreme Court Justices, above all people, need to be held to a higher standard.

Anita apparently has gotten on with her life. As you can imagine, she faced lots of hostility back home. She left Oklahoma for another teaching job across the country in friendlier acres.

Anita, I apologize for automatically doubting you.

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FINALLY SOMETHING GETS DONE. Two GOP members of the Texas Legislature flipped their vote on a measure to ban the sale of semi-automatic rifles to persons under the age of 25. The measure passed because of those two votes.

The AR-15 type rifle has one purpose.

An article this week in the Texarkana newspaper: Metal detectors are being installed at Texas High and Middle School; will be in use at special events. Tells you something.

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GOOD JOB. Finally getting around to giving out some bouquets for jobs well done.

Flowers to the Nashville Chamber of Commerce for the 2023 Peach Blossom Festival. The flowers are also for all of the vendors, especially my friend ‘Aunt’ Fern Dixon who convinced me that I’d be a lot happier if I purchased a strawberry-filled fried pie.

Flowers to the Center Point Volunteer Fire Department and its supporters on a fine bbq dinner and fund-raiser, Saturday. Some Flowers, also, to the citizens who support the VFD and the Center Point Renewal so well and so consistently

Flowers to Pleasant Valley Lodge masons who proved once again that they are really good fish fryers.

Flowers to the Bingen Volunteer Fire Department which serves its community so well and also shows up for all parades in Nashville.

Flowers to the Nashville High School music department and Scrapper Band musicians. Knowing and appreciating music will give the kids pleasure throughout their lives.

Flowers to all area grads who just kicked open the door on the rest of their lives. “Live long and prosper,” said a certain well-known Vulcan.

Flowers to all the rural churches that have Decoration Day and Homecoming. And Flowers to all of the people who help with the upkeep of cemeteries.

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THE GOOD EARTH. As of Tuesday, the 16th day of May, the month had 8 days of measurable rainfall. Normal rainfall for the month to this point is 3.48 inches and we’ve already had 7.87 — more than double normal. In August we will whine about how hot and dry it is.

MORE GOOD EARTH. Lots of rain also means lots of toadstools, mushrooms, yard fungus, etc.

In one of my patio flower planters a magnificent toadstool emerged for exactly one day last week. It was a luminous yellow in color, and was shaped flat like a pancake. It was bigger than my hand with fingers spread.

I meant to take a picture when I noticed it late in the afternoon, but I put off the picture-taking until the next day.

When I went out to get the prize-winning pic, the toadstool was rust brown and crumpled.

Maybe it sent out spores and I will have more yellow toadstools later.

I automatically believe that toadstools, mushrooms and yard fungus, etc., are poisonous.

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THINGS I LEARNED by opening another email: You know it’s time to clean out your purse when the car assumes it’s an extra passenger who isn’t wearing a seat belt.

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WORD GAMES. Rags to Riches. How to tell someone’s wealth and how quickly they got there.

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HE SAID: “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” Alexander Graham Bell, inventor

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SHE SAID: “They think they can make fuel from horse manure —  now, I don’t know if your car will be able to get 30 miles to the gallon, but it’s sure gonna put a stop to siphoning.” Billie Holiday, jazz singer

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