Home Breaking News Pike County conducting voter registration mail-out in May

Pike County conducting voter registration mail-out in May


The Pike County Clerk’s office is conducting their odd year mail-out. This mail-out is mandated by the federal National Voter Registration Act and Help America Vote Act. The purpose of this is to ensure voter registration lists are accurate.

Registrants who did not vote during the last federal election cycle will receive a green card. He or she is asked to complete it and return it to the clerk’s office to confirm the voter’s registration address. Return postage has been prepaid.

Registrants who have not voted during the past two election cycles or responded to the last mail-out will receive a yellow card. If registrants receive a yellow card, they are asked to complete it and return to the clerk’s office as they have been removed from the active voter’s roster. If these cards are not completed and returned registrants will be required to re-register to vote and participate in an election. Return postage has been prepaid.

If you receive either of these cards it is very important for you to complete the card and return it to the clerk’s office as soon as possible.

To verify voter registration people can go to www.voterview.org People can contact the Pike County Clerk’s office at 870-285-2743 for more information.