Home Breaking News Church’s free community Thanksgiving dinner Nov. 24

Church’s free community Thanksgiving dinner Nov. 24


For the 23rd year Ridgeway Baptist Church in Nashville will host its free community Thanksgiving Day dinner. 

The date is Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 24.

The meals are available by pick up only. Meals may be picked up at the church activities building adjacent to the main church building. 

The church is located at the corner of Peachtree and Hearn St. — the Prescott highway.

The dinner is the traditional menu of turkey, dressing and trimmings. There is no beverage to be given out with the meal.

The meal is prepared and served by church members from 11-1. 

Meals will be delivered to shut-ins by calling Larry Elrod, 845-8814, or the church office at 845-1386.. 

The church pastor is Bro. Alan Cook.