Home Breaking News Serial sex offender cops plea in Pike, Clark counties

Serial sex offender cops plea in Pike, Clark counties

Barry Walker is escorted from the Pike County Jail by Pike County Sheriff Travis Hill (at left) and Clark County Sheriff Jason Watson.

The following is a new release, dated Oct. 6, from the office of the Prosecuting Attorney of the 9th-East Judicial District of Arkansas:

Barry Walker, 58, appeared in Clark County Circuit Court at 9:00am this morning for change of plea in all pending cases against him in Clark County.  On October 5, 2022, Walker appeared in Pike County Circuit Court and entered pleas of guilty to all pending cases against him in that county.

The criminal actions filed against Walker in both Pike and Clark counties stemmed from multiple sexual assaults involving 31 known minor children spanning dates from 1997 to the present. 

The judgments entered in both counties involved convictions for sexual offenses as well as additional convictions related to firearms, drugs and child pornography.  These convictions included:

  • 32 counts of Rape;
  • 27 counts of Computer Exploitation of a Child;
  • 28 counts of Producing, Directing or Promoting a Sexual Performance by a Child;
  • 28 counts of Engaging Children in Sexually Explicit Conduct for Use in Visual or Print Medium;
  • 1 count of Sexual Assault in the Second Degree;
  • 1 count of Simultaneous Possession of Drugs and Firearms;
  • 1 count of Possession of Cocaine with Intent to Distribute;
  • 1 count of Possession of Firearms by Certain Persons; and
  • 1 count of Possessing Matter Depicting Sexually Explicit Conduct Involving a Child. 

Additionally, in 9 of the files sentencing enhancements were included for sexual offenses 

committed against victims in the presence of other children as well as a separate enhancement for the proximity of the commission of an offense involving a controlled substance.

In Pike County, Walker was sentenced in the thirteen pending cases in that jurisdiction as follows:

55CR-22-52 4 Life sentences plus 10 years to be served consecutively;

55CR-22-53 Life plus 70 years to be served consecutively;

55CR-22-54 Life plus 70 years to be served consecutively;

55CR-22-55 Life plus 70 years to be served consecutively;

55CR-22-56 4 Life sentences plus 10 years to be served consecutively;

55CR-22-57 Life plus 70 years to be served consecutively;

55CR-22-58 90 years to be served consecutively;

55CR-22-59 Life plus 70 years to be served consecutively;

55CR-22-68 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

55CR-22-76 Life;

55CR-22-77 Life;

55CR-22-78 Life; and

55CR-22-79 Life plus 30 years to be served consecutively.

The Pike County cases were sentenced concurrent to one another and consecutive to the Clark County convictions.

In Clark County, Walker was sentenced in the twenty-one pending cases in that jurisdiction as follows:

10CR-22-106 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-107 Life plus 70 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-108 Life plus 70 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-109 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-116  Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-117 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-118 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-119 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-128 Life;

10CR-22-129 Life;

10CR-22-130 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-132 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-141 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-142 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-143 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-144 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-145 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-146 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-147 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively;

10CR-22-148 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively; and

10CR-22-149 Life plus 60 years to be served consecutively.

The Clark County cases were sentenced concurrent to one another and consecutive to the Pike County convictions.

“The pleas in Clark County and Pike County included the maximum sentence available on each count for each victim,” stated Clark County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Turner.  “This Defendant took things from these victims that can never be returned.  It was important for us to provide the full measure of justice to each victim that the law would allow.”

“The path of destruction paved by Barry Walker over the last 25 years has devastated countless victims and families, and perhaps many others that we may not be aware of.  It is my prayer that these victims can begin to heal and move past these horrible events.  My office will continue to assist victims moving forward and I would encourage anyone with information or needs related to these cases or this Defendant to contact my office or appropriate law enforcement agencies.”

Turner added that the scope of this case, the investigation and conclusion were the result of the dedication and work of a number of people.  Turner praised the work of the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney’s office and staff and also credited the dedication and efforts of lead Investigator John Jones of the 9th-West Judicial District Drug Task Force as well as Clark County Sheriff Jason Watson and Pike County Sheriff Travis Hill and their respective agencies.  Victims in this matter were also provided services and assistance by the Percy & Donna Malone Child Safety Center in Clark County, the Cooper-Anthony Mercy Child Advocacy Center of Garland County, the Texarkana Child Advocacy Center and Ouachita Behavioral Health & Wellness.  

Additionally, assistance throughout this investigation was provided by the Arkansas State Police, the Sex Offender Community Notification Assessment unit of the Arkansas Department of Corrections, the Union County Sheriff’s Department, the Garland County Sheriff’s Department, the El Dorado Police Department, the Springdale Police Department, the Sebastian County Sheriff’s Department, the Garland County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, the Prosecutor Coordinator’s Office, and countless other individuals and agencies.

To report information related to this investigation to law enforcement – contact 

Clark County – Clark County Sheriff Jason Watson – (870) 223-3860

Pike County – Investigator John Jones (870) 784-2591