Home Breaking News HoCo sheriff discusses funding for county jail renovations

HoCo sheriff discusses funding for county jail renovations


Howard County Sheriff Bryan McJunkins presented an idea for funding major renovations at the county jail when the county quorum court met, Monday.

The sheriff suggested taking funds from the American Rescue Plan account. To be released by the ‘feds,’ the county must submit its own plan for the use of the funds.

The sheriff suggested transferring the funds to the county general fund from which other projects can be funded. American Rescue Plan monies must be spent by 2024. Once in the general fund, there is no deadline for spending.

The covid funds are in excess of $2 million, about what is thought to be needed for the jail renovation.

One other item was discussed at the court’s regular meeting for October. County Judge Kevin Smith discussed the need for work on lights at the senior citizens center, and said he would take bids.

All Justices of the Peace were present for the meeting, including: Andy Hogg, Brent Pinkerton, Bobby Don Turner, Jerry Harwell, Kerry Strasner, Janice Huffman, D’Ann Rogers, Martha Hobbs and Don Marks. Also, Judge Smith, Sheriff McJunkins, County Clerk Keri Teague, Circuit Clerk Angie Lewis, Treasurer Sheri Mixon, Tax Assessor-elect Cindy Butler and JP-elect Liz McDaniels.