Home Breaking News Longtime employee buys Starz Family Restaurant

Longtime employee buys Starz Family Restaurant

New Starz Family Restaurant owner Lawrence McClane, left, and his former boss Mark Dowdy. McClane worked for Dowdy for 15 years before becoming the new owner. He says he will not change the name and plans few changes.

Nashville’s South Main popular place for fast food has had many names since it opened in 1978 — Tastee Freez, Big T, Tastee Toppers, and Starz — and in that time there have only been three ownership changes.

Until last week, when Lawrence McClane became the new boss. McClane has worked at Starz and for outgoing owners Mark and Jamie Dowdy for 15 years. The ownership transfer was Tuesday-Wednesday last week.

The new owner says he plans few changes. “Maybe introduce a few new sandwiches,” but certainly not a name change. He’s quiet and tall, and has to bend over to look through the kitchen window opening to see into the restaurant.

Mark Dowdy went to work at the restaurant two weeks after it opened. Two of his friends worked there and they told him there was an opening for another cook. He stayed 17 years, buying the business from Rick Hicks who had bought it from the late Hughes brothers, Randy and Kenny.

Mark Dowdy isn’t sure how he’ll adjust to retirement, but he’s willing to give it a try. Jamie, however, will remain to help the new owner.

“Thank you for calling Starz, may I take your order?”