YES, I AM STILL HERE peeking out of the newspaper’s window on Main Street and I was reminded how much I hate Little Rock television stations by their weather reporting during our violent weather of Monday night.
The weather prediction was so bad here that athletic contests and public meetings were cancelled. We got lucky and were mostly missed by tornados and hail, to the best of my knowledge.
I decided to catch up on the storms when I got home from my cancelled meeting. Because I had relatives in the metropolitan Little Rock area I turned on the telly to check on their situation but also to see what was happening in my own area..
Sure enough, the station’s weather ‘pretty faces’ were breathlessly reporting.
Over and over and over for some area east of Little Rock where there was possible suspicious tornado-like activity.
During that same time we here in the southwest corner were also under a National Weather Service tornado watch.
The tv weather folks NEVER said a word about our own dire weather prediction.
They never got away from that small area east of the capitol city.
I know that it was important that they keep folks east of Little Rock informed as to possible tornadoes ….. but what about us southwest Arkies? Can’t we at least get a quick mention?
Little Rock television stations have ignored the southwest corner for years. I would be better off if I had the satellite people visit my house and re-orient the dish so I could get the Shreveport stations. There is a downside to that. Every three or four years or so, the LR stations carry a Razorback game which the Shreveport stations ignore.
I SHOULD have moved to another station, but I didn’t. Yes, I’m lazy, but I also thought that any minute they would make at least a brief mention about weather conditions in this area. “And things seem to be calm for southwest Arkansas, but now, back to current conditions for our real viewers in the Little Rock area,” they might say.
Next time, I will start off with a different station and rotate to other stations if the one I’m watching forgets about southwest Arkansas.
Which station was I watching? I don’t want to tempt a lawsuit, so I’ll just say it was the station with the lowest number.
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GOOD DEEDS AND CLEAN UP. On a recent sashay down country lanes I encountered a man and wife out apparently picking up litter along the side of the road.
Our roadsides are getting so bad, and this couple was actually doing something about it. Not like me — just thinking about it.
I have a good excuse. I’ve lost the picker-upper thingy that my daughter gave me. I am old and I just can’t (wheeze) bend over (wheeze) and pick up that Snickers wrapper that Junior tossed out.
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ANIMAL CRACKERS. Bluebirds must be the most skittish of birds. I’ve been sitting on my patio hoping that Mom or Dad Bluebird will dart down to the vacant bluebird box from the overhead phone lines. Every now and then one will swoop down but reverse course nearly at the box’s opening, and return to the high wire.
Perhaps they are waiting for me to leave before they actually enter the bird box. But, I am stubborn, too.
I read a bluebird article that suggests I get some ‘mealy worms’ to tempt the birds. I’ve done that once before. They smell yucky and taste horrible. I can’t understand how the bluebirds can eat mealy worms. Even with Louisiana Hot Sauce.
Among the things I’ve learned about bluebirds is that Dad watches from the high wire while Mom actually builds the next. The nest in the box is strictly for eggs. Mom and Dad live elsewhere. They both bring morsels to the chicks.
When I have chicks in the box, Mom or Dad will make a quick pass by my head if I get too close.
Tuesday morning when I went out to put the bluejay peanuts on the low patio table, a bluebird whizzed out of the bluebird box and zoomed very quickly past my pumpkin head. So, I’ve got bluebirds and they’re protecting the house.
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PLEASE GET the Covid-19 vaccine.
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NOT TRYING to stir things up, but are women singers excluded from the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus? There’s a buncha different kinds of phobias on display, here in this simple question.
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THINGS I LEARNED from opening email: “My tolerance for idiots is extremely low today. I used to have some immunity built up, but obviously there is a new strain out there.”
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WORD GAMES. The rowdy Pigskin brothers: Fourth and Goal. They do love their football … and they like for Sam Pittman to turn that damn jukebox on.
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HE SAID: “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” Henry David Thoreau, American naturalist and philosopher
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SHE SAID: “I had many friends to help me to fall; but as to rising again, I was so much left to myself, that I wonder now I was not always on the ground. I praise God for His mercy; for it was He only Who stretched out His hand to me. May He be blessed for ever! Amen.” St. Teresa of Avila
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