Home Breaking News Funds needed quick to keep Chapel/Museum from becoming ‘Leaning Tower of Pisa’

Funds needed quick to keep Chapel/Museum from becoming ‘Leaning Tower of Pisa’


The Howard County Historical Society is asking for monetary donations to help save 1912 E.A. Williams Chapel/Museum from becoming the Leaning Tower of Pisa, according to Freddie Horne, president of the society.

Hornes said that several beams under the Bell Tower have rotted away, greatly reducing the support of the 110-year tower and causing a shift into the main chapel structure. The west wall is pushed out several inches and the floor has been pushed downward more than two inches and the tower now has a measurable lean.

“A major repair is needed to save the Bell Tower from collapsing onto the chapel,” said Horne, who explained that the society usually funds such projects with state grants, but the grant window closed on Nov. 15 before the problems were diagnosed..

The goal of the society is to raise $11,500 in tax deductible contributions to save the structure.

For more information, contact Horne at (870) 451-4288.