Home Breaking News ‘Drug Take Back Day’ Oct. 23 across state

‘Drug Take Back Day’ Oct. 23 across state


The Arkansas Drug Take Back Day is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 23 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Under the theme of “End The Opidemic … Drop It In The Box!” the local drop-off point will be at the Pike County Sheriff’s Department at the Pike County Jail. 

There will be 250+ locations across the state participating and other locations can be found at www.artakeback.com.

Additionally, a box for drop-off is available inside the jail for use all year long.

“Prescription medicines are toxic waste and pose a danger to people, pets, and the environment, so get rid of your expired and unneeded medications at a drug take back,” said program literature. “547 people died from a drug overdose in Arkansas in 2020 and 225 people die, everyday in America, from a drug overdose. Together, we can change these statistics.”

As part of the danger, it is stated that two-thirds of teens and young adults that misuse prescription medications get them from the homes of family and friends.