Home Opinion Mine Creek Revelations: No Fear of Bama

Mine Creek Revelations: No Fear of Bama


YES, I AM STILL HERE peeking out of the newspaper’s window on Main Street and I am thinking about surrendering to this summer.

I know we’ve had hot ones before. And, this year (knock on wood) we haven’t had a single 100-degree day.

In June there were 13 consecutive days in the 90s, and there were 18 days in the month in which the temps got into the 90s each day; mostly several degrees higher than 90. June also had about an inch and a half above normal rainfall.

In July there were only three days in which temps didn’t get well above 90. Rainfall was also relatively heavy for the month.

August has extended the trend of 90-plus days.

I’m hoping October will get here soon. Be careful what you ask for, friends say.

We’ll have a cold, snowy winter is my prediction.

Last year I predicted that due to global warming we’d never get snow again. You’ll remember what happened in February.

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PLEASE GET the Covid vaccine. It seems like every day we learn of another wonderful person who has died from the virus or its variant.

To the best of my knowledge there have been NO reports of anyone who died from getting the shot, but lots of stories of people who died and hadn’t been vaccinated.

Gov Asa says you should get the shot. Even the former President says to get the shot. The new President, too, and the pope. If you’d listen to our mayor he’d tell you to get your shot right now.

Arkansas hospitals are overwhelmed with Covid patients who are in dire straits, and almost none of them were vaccinated. The ones that get the sickest are the ones that were too smart to get the free vaccine.

There are a record number of covid victims on ventilators right now in Arkansas.

Last week I had need of a pest exterminator and had a bit of a time in getting one. The guy that came explained that the whole rest of the crew (and their boss) were out with the virus.

My daughter and I had been planning an autumn trip to the Alabama Gulf Coast, but that appears to be the WORST place in the nation right now. Even worse than Arkinsaw. Nobody in Alabama understands that if they don’t get the vaccine they are risking cancellation of the Crimson Tide football season.

Just joking about the danged Tide; not joking about everyone’s need to get the vaccine.

Get the vaccine.

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CAN’T WAIT ANY LONGER! The #1 Fair Weather Razorback Football Fan is getting ready for the 2021 season, one which may live in infamy (that is a clever saying I just made up).

He’s swept off a place on the patio where he can get away from the TV when the opponent is driving for a game-winning score.

And he’s picked out a place where he can throw his hat in disgust when ‘we’ give up an interception, a fumble, have a long touchdown pass called back because some dumbo lineman flinched before the snap, or watch an opponent take off on a long punt return.

He’s even got a special place to throw his adult beverage container when ‘we’ get another bad call from the SEC referee crew.

The red Hog banner is hung over his front doorway within easy reach for when he’s ready to rip it down.

In other words, he’s totally ready for the 2021 Razorback football season. He’s ready to pick up where he left off when we had those stupid losses last year.

The #1 Fair Weather Razorback Football is predicting 7-5.

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THINGS I LEARNED from opening an email: “I see people about my age mountain climbing; I feel good getting my leg through my underwear without losing my balance.”

I’ve gotten so shakey that I wear a bicycle helmet when I put on underwear. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure — I just made up another clever saying!

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ANIMAL CRACKERS. The volume of cicada mating calls is nothing like I expected, although I still hear some about mid-afternoon.

I’m afraid to say the emergence of the cicadas is nearly over because I’ve been worng about just about everything else. This was supposed to be the summer that the emergence of the annual cicadas, the seven-year cicadas, and the 17-year cicadas coincided. That would have produced a heckuva racket.

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WORD GAMES. Kissing cousins: Pins and Needles. Somewhere, someone is breathlessly waiting.

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“To keep your marriage brimming,

With love in the loving cup,

Whenever you’re wrong, admit it;

Whenever you’re right, shut up.”

Ogden Nash, composer of humorous poetry

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SHE SAID: “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” Oprah Winfrey, entertainer

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