Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


123 years ago: August 1898

Arkansas troops from the very first muster until the present time have been smoother in their organization and carried themselves with more war-like dignity than those of almost any other state. Your average Arkansas man is irrepressible and is hard to down. When it comes to genuine cosmopolitans, old Arkansas is always there. We are prouder of her today than ever before. Hurray for Arkansas!

(Adv.) Each cash purchaser to the amount of 10 cents at the News stand will be given a ticket which will entitle him for a chance at the beautiful watch to be given away. Cash paid on accounts counts as a purchase. H. A. Turner


81 years ago: August 1940

The County Line Baseball Team will go to McCaskill Sunday, August 4th for a game with the strong McCaskill Team. County Line defeated McCaskill in a previous engagement 7–4 and has a season record of 10 wins and 1 defeat.

  In a response to a request from the Nashville Chamber of Commerce, Ed L. McKinley, Commissioner of Labor for Arkansas, agreed to allow children between the ages of 14 and 16 years to do light work in the peach packing sheds during the harvesting of the Elberta peach crop this year, making it possible for a great number of children in this age group to earn money during the harvest.

(Adv.) We have opened our office in the building next door to Barentine Drug Store and will be in the market for Elberta peaches every day in the season and will pay cash. Western Fruit Growers, T. H. Peppers, Sales Agents


58 years ago: July 1963

Former Nashville postmaster Tommy Garney shows a device which counts and numbers address sites for Howard County’s 9-1-1 emergency telephone system after installation in 1994.

David Goodson, age three, is ready to resume his vacation again in Dierks after being sidelined by a yellow jacket. The yellow jacket stung him on the head Saturday, and when David started swelling up he was taken to Memorial Hospital for treatment. His father, Gene Goodson of Potosi, Missouri, said David was on the front porch of the Jewel Goodson home at Dierks eating a banana when the yellow jacket flew up. David slapped at the insect which stung him on top of his head.

Two Nashville young men left last week for six months of active duty with the U.S. Marines at Camp Pendleton, California.   They were Joe Branch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Branch and Edwin Alford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Alford. Both boarded an airplane that left Texarkana for San Diego

Notice:  To those who want their streets blacktopped – If each property owner does not paid their money into the city treasurer by September 1st, the streets will not be blacktopped. The charge is 50 cents a running foot for each property owner. Cecil Callaham, Mayor


38 years ago: August 1983

Low income households may apply for fans at the Senior Citizens Center, 320 West Shepherd. Applicants must be 65 years or older and have a specific medical condition diagnosed by a physician which is worsened by high temperatures.