By John R. Schirmer
News-Leader staff
Justice of the Peace Brent Pinkerton of Nashville has announced that he will be a candidate for Howard County judge in 2022. He will seek the Republican nomination in the 2022 party primary.
Pinkerton, 54, has 26 years total service on the quorum court. He represented Nashville Rural Township One and Two from 1997-2006 and has been JP in Nashville Wards Five and Six from 2006-2022.
Pinkerton was appointed to the budget committee for more than 20 years and was named to the personnel policy committee.
In addition to his service on the quorum court, Pinkerton has six years on the Howard County Extension Council, which determines the annual focus of projects within the Extension office.
Before he was elected to the quorum court, Pinkerton was appointed to the Howard County 9-1-1 Committee to help oversee its implementation.
Pinkerton has been employed for 34 years at Nashville radio stations KMTB and KNAS and has served as the stations’ general manager for the past 20 years.
“My entire work career has been spent in Howard County,” Pinkerton said.
Pinkerton said that “a lot of good tings have happened” during his time on the quorum court. “We’ve been able to obtain grants that have provided fund-
ing for fire departments throughout the county, the Howard County Fairgrounds, North Howard Rural Water Association and other groups. The quorum court has approved numerous equipment upgrades for our sheriff’s department and approved additional funding that provided 24/7 law enforcement coverage for our county residents.
There have been “significant improvements to equipment within our road department, and we’ve been able to install a new heating and cooling system at the courthouse that replaced a 1970s boiler unit,” Pinkerton said. “These are just a few accomplishments I’m pleased to have been a part of.”
As a member of the county’s budget committee, Pinkerton said he has worked with elected officials “to approve a budget that will provide the best possible services for our county’s residents, while using our tax dollars wisely.”
Pinkerton said his ‘top priority in office is being a good steward of our tax dollars and spending our money wisely. If you elect me as your next county judge, I promise that priority will continue. I’ve always believed in listening to people, and even though I only represent a portion of the county’s residents, I’ve always listened to your opinions, whether I represent your area or not. I will always treat everyone the same. Whether you live in Athens, Saratoga or anywhere in between, we are all part of Howard County.”
In his job at the radio stations, “We rarely have schedules that are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays only, and I understand that there are times as your county judge, that will require extended hours. I believe in accountability and accessibility. I believe in communication. I would keep JPs informed, and I would visit communities on a consistent basis, but always know the county judge’s office at the courthouse is just a phone call away,” Pinkerson said.
Pinkerton is a 1985 graduate of Nashville High School and is married to Ellen Detar Pinkerton. His parents are Sherald and Patricia Pinkerton of Nashville.
“I have connections to North Howard,” he said. “My dad is from Umpire. My grandparents were at Umpire until I was 17. I’ve never lived there, but North Howard is in my DNA. I have a connection.”
Pinkerton is a member of First Assembly of God Church in Nashville. He has served on the church’s leadership board for more than 20 years.