Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


123 years ago: May 1898

There is talk of another paper in Nashville. If it is coming for the purpose of helping build up town and country, we shall extend it a warm welcome. If it comes as an organ of any man or set of men, it will have to look out for itself.

Last Wednesday Lige Mitchell and Charlie Webb were here from Hope soliciting volunteers for a company that is being organized at Hope.  Lige Mitchell wore a white badge with the following black letters: “To Hell with Spain” and “Remember the Maine.” They visited Centre Point, Mineral Springs and secured eleven recruits.

Notice:  Strayed or stolen from my place at Bingen, Arkansas, on April 27, one grey horse, eight years old this spring. Had on a bell when it left. Has ill-shaped front teeth, if not shed out. Will be thankful for any information of his whereabouts. Please post this notice up. J.J. Nelson

(Adv.) You will realize that they live well who live cleanly, if you use SAPOLIO 


81 years ago: May 1940

On to Oklahoma and the National Competition for this 1986 Mineral Springs FFA land judging team. From left, Eric Westfall, Benny Thompson, Neal Randall and adviser Rick Hart

What about this $1,000,000 reward for the Hitler man, if delivered safe and sound. Quite a novel idea and the detailed story of capturing Hitler would make an ideal novel.

Seventy-six girls and boys will receive their diplomas from Nashville High School at the commencement exercises to be held at the high school auditorium Friday at 8:00. The school course has been finished creditably by all the class members and they will go out into the adult world as well-trained young men and ladies. The valedictorian is Amanda Holt,  and Mary Maxie Holt is salutatorian.

  Mt Bain, Negro tenant on the J.B. Hill place along the GN & A Railroad in this city, Thursday morning brought in the first square from the 1940 cotton crop to the News office.

(Adv.) Potato bags, cotton and burlap bags for every purpose, soy bean bags, oat bags, cotton seed bags, corn meal bags. Bemis Bro. Bag Company, Dept. 10 Memphis.


58 years ago: May 1963

Fourteen-year-old Carl Westfall broke the stock on his .22 rifle, but he figures things could be worse.  The wounded wolf that attacked him Thursday might have scored.  The youth was searching for a swimming hole for summer use, walking out the  bank of  a small fork of the  Ozan Creek in Hempstead County about five miles northwest. He had shot numerous snakes and was down to his last .22 shell when coming out of the bushes were two wolves. “I shot at one and hit him in the spine. Then the wolf came at me. I hit him three times in the head and broke the stock the third time,” he said.

(Adv.) To our Blue Ribbon Seniors. Best of luck for the future. Scott’s Variety Store


37 years ago: 1984

Last weekend fifteen members of Boy Scouts, Troop 61 participated in a five-mile float trip on the Little Missouri River.  Scouts prepared for the trip by participating in a canoe safety weekend outing last fall.  

The boys were accompanied by their adult advisers Bobby Keeney, Bill Jones, Cecil Hodges and Bob Gregory.