Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


123 years ago:  April 1898

The Locomotive came in Sunday decorated with flags, two Stars and Stripes and two Cuban flags.

War between this country and Spain is now a reality. The North Atlantic Squadron sailed from Key West for Havana Thursday. The president is expected to issue a call today for 100,000 volunteers, 80,000 will be sent to Cuba along with the regular army, and the others are to defend the sea coast. 


88 years ago:  April 1933

29 million passenger car tires on the road today should be replaced at once, according to J. P. Dunklins of the Nashville Motor Company, Goodyear Dealer.  Mr. Dunklin’s estimate is based upon a survey made recently by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company to determine the number of unsafe tires in operation. The survey showed that one out of every three tires checked had been worn smooth and thin and was a real danger to motoring.

(Adv.)  Drink Crazy Crystals, a natural mineral water product for constipation, colitis, neuritis and rheumatism. Just add them to your drinking water. Sold at Nashville Drug Company.


70 years ago: April 1951

A measles epidemic that began two months ago among the preschool children reached the epidemic stage in the Elementary School Monday. Principal John Shaddox said Friday that between 35 and 40 children were sick with measles and were absent from classes last week.  A Nashville physician stated that the cases he had supervised were of the ordinary type of measles.  He recalled that the first cases in Nashville appeared about two months ago. 

Under the supervision of Rev. James I. Paisley, Presbyterian minister, two boxes of clothing weighing a total of 100 pounds were shipped to Korea recently. Both boxes of the warm clean clothing were contributed by Nashville citizens.

Circuit Judge Bobby Steel swears in the Howard County officials in 1976, including Assessor Garner Russell, County Clerk Delta Chalker, Sheriff Dick Wakefield, Treasurer Eileen Jamison, Judge O’Neal Davidson and Circuit Clerk Kay McClure.


38 years ago: March 1983

Chuck Lowery was awarded the Dr. G. J. Floyd Award Saturday at the annual Murfreesboro High School Athletic banquet.  Some seventy athletes, parents and guests attended the event at which former Arkansas Razorback kicker Ish Ordonez was guest speaker.

Scrapperettes received tournament honors for their play in the 1982-83 basketball season.  All-District honors went to the trio of Sharla Robertson, Kelly Dildy and Evonne Pryor. Dildy also received All-State honors.

A siren system for fires and weather warnings will be installed at Tollette this week, according to director Harold McMullen of the Office of Emergency Systems.  Soon after a siren system will be installed for use at County Line

(Adv.) Eddie Bennett Motors, South Main Street, cleanest used cars in town.