Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


124 years ago: April 1897

J.O. Patterson, one of the energetic farmers from Richmond, was over yesterday and reported the appearance in that neighborhood of a plague of buffalo gnats, from the bites of which the stock were dying.  The gnats are supposed to have been blown over from the Sulphur Bottoms by a high wind that preceded their appearances.

The crayon portrait of Robert J. Brown which has been exhibited in Nashville this week was made by Miss Daisy Delony, one of Nashville’s former rosebuds now blooming in the city of roses. It is a fine piece of work. Nashville and Howard County are proud of her.

(Adv.) Dr. J.B. Brooks, physician in charge of the Keely Institute in Hot Springs, has opened a private institute for the treatment of morphine, whiskey, opium and cocaine habits.  


85 years ago: May 1936

The Light Company has launched a new advertising program built around a clever little fellow named Reddy Kilowatt. Reddy is the personification of the electric service. He does all the things that electricity does for you, and you will see him performing his tasks in advertisements in the paper.

The Nashville Quartet will broadcast a program over station KCMC at Texarkana Friday evening from 6:00 to 6:30. Everyone is invited to tune in. 

(Adv.) Hutchinson’s Big-Hed Liniment.  The old reliable, unexcelled for man or beast. Rub it where it hurts.  Hale & Hale


Mayor Cecil Callaham (right) with some of the 500 redbuds planted on Highway 4 as part of the unfulfilled campaign to line the state from the Mississippi River to Oklahoma, 1966.

58 years ago: May 1963

Thirty-five students are candidates for graduation at Howard County Training School at Tollette.  The exercises and baccalaureate have been set for May 12th and 16th at the High School Gymnasium. Dorothy Smith is valedictorian and Joan Stuart is salutatorian. Miss Smith is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Willis of Paraloma. Miss Stuart is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hobson of Mineral Springs.

John Noble, one of the few Americans ever to return from a Russian slave labor camp, will give his unforgettable experience when he speaks at the Texarkana College Auditorium Thursday, May 9 at 8 p.m. under the sponsorship of the Four State Freedom Foundation of Texarkana.  

There will be no admission charge.

37 years ago:  April 1984

Nashville students Scooter King, Allen Moses, Vince Cook and Mike Willard placed in the top twelve entries in the Regional Driver Excellence Competition at Arkadelphia recently. The total of 32 schools were entered, according to Willie Click, instructor for Nashville Drivers Education program.

The theft of a news stand and approximately $30 in change from in front of the Nashville News was reported by the newspaper on April 16. On April 17 Jim Hood reported the theft of a spare tire from his truck.