Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


123 years ago: March 1898

It is well known that there are men in Howard County who do not pay their just proportion of taxes.  We can cite instances where men who are known to have thousands of dollars in land, notes and personal property do not pay as much tax as others who are worth only a few hundred dollars. Here is a good feel for an equalization board with efficient backbone to do its duty. 

Mr. L. W. Barefield returned yesterday from Baker Springs. He said the contracts have been let for the erection of six cottages.  Mr. Barefield has the contract to furnish the lumber for these cottages and also for a large hotel which will be built soon.  

(Adv.) Candy Cathartic Cascarets cure constipation and regulate the liver. 25 cents and 50 cents at all druggists.


88 years ago:  April 1933

Next Sunday evening at 7:45 the choir of the First Baptist Church will present an Easter cantata, “The Lord of Life” by Roy E. Nolte. Soloists will be Bob Utley, J. A. Beauchamp and Mrs. R. E. Naylor.

The first contingent of men from Howard County for the government reforestation-relief work will be sent from this city Saturday by the local R. F. C. office.  The young men will be sent to Camp Pike for two weeks hardening in training before they are sent to the forest camp to do their duties.  There are 19 young men in the first contingent.


Visiting and dining on chicken at the Nashville Jaycee-sponsored Poultry Festival in 1974 are singer Mel Street, Eddie Cobb, Bob Garrison and singer Guy Shannon.

70 years ago: March 1951

Any time the Howard County Judge and Sheriff want to start a clean-up program along the Chapel Hill Road, folks residing along the busy county road are willing. Trucks hauling waste dishonor the country side by strewing papers, plastic boxes and other articles along the way.

Eva Jewell Howell, nineteen year old daughter of the former Judge and Mrs. John Howell, Nashville, will represent Nashville in the National Chicken-of-Tomorrow contest finals to be staged in Fayetteville in June. 

Miss Howell, pretty blue-eyed coed at the University of Arkansas, was chosen last week by the Nashville Chamber of Commerce.  She is a sophomore at the University.

38 years ago: March 1983

The Russians and Tip O’Neal commenting on the president’s arms talk last week think alike. The Reds want to take us over.  Old Tip wants to give the country away, and liberal congressmen want to help. 

The dogwood blooms are beginning to show in the landscape, in the woods and in the yards with forsythia and its yellow wands and the modest redbud adding their notes.

A good friend of ours says he isn’t for the one-cent sales tax to repair the city’s streets and county roads. His living is better because the rough streets create more wheel alignment and shock absorber business.