Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


137 years ago:  January 1884

Captain A.B. Grace of Pine Bluff was in Centre Point this week. Capt. Grace was for over two years the able editor of the Old Centre Point News. He is now engaged in the business of dispensing law.

The Center Point Guard has received its long awaited arms and accouterments.  The guns are of the new improved Winchester make.

Mr. Cheatham, who lives on the Cossatot, bought a large bill of goods here in Center Point one day this week.


123 years ago: March 1898

Mr. Lee, our city marshal, desires us to correct the statement made in the last issue that he did not try to hit Joe Kelly when he was shooting at him when he was running off the other day.  He said that he did try to hit his legs.

A mare belonging to Starling Graves near Rosedale ran away Saturday and broke her left hind leg and had to be killed. Mr. Graves had been to Nashville and returning home took the mare loose from the buggy and turned her into the pasture where it is supposed she fell, breaking her leg.


88 years ago: March 1933

The Gammills’ new Ford 1917, one of the first in Howard County. Left to right – Bud, Raymond, Bennett, Arthur and Henry Gammill

Giuseppe Zangara, zealot and assassin, Friday was sentenced to death in the electric chair for the murder of Mayor Anton J. Cermak of Chicago in his feeble attempt to kill President Roosevelt.  In reading his sentence Judge Uly O. Thompson, who read the sentence from a prepared statement ended with, “And may God have mercy on your soul.”


38 years ago: January 1983

A 17-year old Nashville High school senior will represent the Howard County Cattleman’s Association in the beef Princess Contest at Little Rock this weekend. She is Marti Hood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hood. Hood will compete with 13 other contestants for the title according to Judy Hasley, state pageant director.

Judging will be based on poise, personality, appearance, knowledge of the beef industry, sportswear and evening gown.

Hix Smith Jr. reported on the 4th that a Caterpillar tractor left at a construction site on Highway 27 South had been shot by a .22 rifle doing at least $200 damage to the dash and to batteries.

Teresa Grundy, a Nashville High School senior, is attending a two-week congressional seminar at Washington D. C. She is the daughter of Lorene Marshall.  Grundy plans to serve as an intern for Senior Edward Kennedy.