122 years ago: January 1898
The Nashville News was first published in 1879 at Centre Point as the first paper in Howard County. Later it was moved to Mineral Springs and then consolidated with The Telephone under the hyphenated heading of Telephone-News. In 1884 upon the completion of a railroad it was moved to Nashville and designated The Nashville News.
(Adv.) Like oil upon troubled waters is Hale’s Honey of Horehound and Tar. Two drops cure in one minute.
88 years ago; January 1933
Three unmasked bandits robbed the First State Bank of De Queen Tuesday afternoon and escaped with approximately $3,000 and are still at liberty. Believed by officers to be in hiding in the forests of the mountains on the Arkansas and Oklahoma line.
Willy Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pink A. Green of the Dillard Community, was probably fatally injured last Thursday night while hunting with a partner in the Saline River bottoms. The party had treed a ‘possom and had started to cut the tree. A limb from an adjacent tree fell, striking the youth in the head and badly crushing his skull. The other members of the party carried the youth to their camp and then rushed him in an automobile to the home, where first aid treatment was given after which he was carried to a hospital at Texarkana where he is reportedly in critical condition with little hope of recovery.
(Adv.) Physic the bladder as you would the bowels, drive out impurities and excess acid that causes irritation, burning and frequent desire. Get a 25 cent test box of Bukets, the bladder physic from any drug store.
66 years ago: December 1954

Friday morning Santa Claus plus other added attractions is expected to pull some 5,000 persons into Nashville to help launch the Christmas holiday season. The extra attractions will be something never before seen on the streets of Nashville and possibly never before in Howard County. The local Chamber of Commerce arranged to have five genuine Arctic reindeer down for the Christmas opening and parade. The reindeer are scheduled to pull Santa and his sleigh down Main Street beginning at 10 a.m.
36 years ago: January 1984
Joyce E. Thomas was named winner of the “Miss Style Show ‘84.” She modeled casual, dress and evening wear. She is a graduate of East Texas University where she received a BS degree.
Miss Thomas is a fourth grade teacher at Saratoga. She is married to Gilbert Thomas, Jr., and they have two children. She was selected from a field of 14 contestants. First runner up was Elsie Turney and second place honors went to Yalonda McGhee. Proceeds will go to the Corinth Baptist Church.