Home Opinion Mine Creek Revelations: There is a Void

Mine Creek Revelations: There is a Void


HUMAN BEINGS. It’s hard to think clearly now. My head is spinning because the virus has taken another wonderful person. Our community buried Kenneth Young last week.

I have so much faith in medicine, and I really expected that he would bounce back and resume his place at the head of the Community’s Can Do/Big Smile Parade.

Instead, our community has lost someone special.

Let me be clear, your life here in this community is so much better because of Kenneth for many reasons both visible and hidden.

He co-founded a golf tournament to benefit the Howard County Children’s Center, and when asked, he served many years on the board of directors of that wonderful facility for developmentally disabled persons. That tournament became the center’s biggest annual fund-raiser. Kenneth was master of ceremonies and auctioneer at the dinner that always concluded the tournament. Raised incredible sums for HCCC.

He served two three-year terms on the board of Howard Memorial Hospital, a hospital that is the envy of so many towns. Without knowing she might be quoted, the hospital CEO told me: “Howard Memorial greatly benefitted from his knowledge and expertise.” Kenneth had a way of looking down the road. People listened to him.

 He was well known for his wit and sense of humor, his artistic taste in outdoor Christmas decorations, and he may very well have been the best backyard cook in the south.

Maybe the biggest understatement you’ll ever come across is “Kenneth Young will be missed.”

Peace to Deb and his family, and thanks to the Almighty for putting such people among us.

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YES, I AM STILL HERE looking out my window on Main Street, and because Christmas is just around the corner I am trying valiantly to be a good boy. That doesn’t keep me from being the #1 Fair Weather Razorback Football Fan, however.

Yes, yes, yes, I know that this team is sooooo much better than the trash of the past 3-4 years. But still, in the fourth quarter the Hogs had a 14-point lead. After the miracle two-point conversion we were still ahead by one point with 43 seconds left in the game.

And even with that advantage we couldn’t stop the Tigers from driving the field and kicking the winning field goal as time expired.

All season long we heard how good the defensive coordinator was — and I totally agreed.

Until the last 43 seconds, Saturday.

I know I should be happy with the progress we’ve made, but, Sunday, I took down the Razorback banner hanging over the front door.

Someone asked me why I always picked the Razorback opponent to win in this newspaper’s weekly prediction graphic. The answer is that I’ve picked that way for the past several years. Right after the Hogs started losing to the likes of Toledo and San Jose State and Louisiana-Moron. I vowed I would not pick the Hogs to win again (even when I thought they’d win) until they had a significant win over a really respectable foe. I will continue that gridiron tradition next year if I’m still here looking out my window on Main Street.

If you see Mrs. Claus, please ask her to tell her man that the #1 Fair Weather Razorback Football Fan is being a pretty good boy, otherwise.

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YES, I AM STILL HERE looking out my window on Main Street, and I was thinking about some candy my mother used to make around Christmas time.

If I remember correctly, it was white and it was called Divinity because it tasted divine.

I have not heard that word in years, and have not even seen pictures of divinity on Facebook. None of my alleged friends have bragged that someone dropped off a sack of divinity on their doorstep.

The only thing I can think of is the Supreme Court banned divinity. I haven’t seen that judicial activity on Facebook, yet, but it makes sense.

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 MUCH PLEASURE FROM keeping up with the Scrappers of 2020. Once again we were playing after Thanksgiving, and that has become a tradition.

Congrats to the players, moms & dads, coaches, cheer squad, chain gang, pressbox crew and the Scrapper Band. If we only had majorettes I’d congratulate them, too. My congratulations, also, to the Hornets, Outlaws and Rattlers, all of whom got to the playoffs.

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THINGS I LEARNED from opening (and believing) anonymous emails: “Have you noticed since everyone has a cell that takes pictures these days no one talks about seeing UFOs like they used to?”

I would like to add that I would pay for a picture of Bigfoot or Santa.

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WORD GAMES. The twins: Hellfire and Brimstone. The preacher talks about them, and he doesn’t hold back.

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HE SAID: “As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, when they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky. So up to the house-top the coursers they flew, with the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.” Clement Clarke Moore, professor of literature, and author of “The Night before Christmas”

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SHE SAID: “I don’t think Christmas is necessarily about things. It’s about being good to one another, it’s about the Christian ethic, it’s about kindness.” Carrie Fisher, sometimes known as Princess Leia

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