Home Breaking News M’boro mayor makes plea for mask-wearing as virus gains ground in schools,...

M’boro mayor makes plea for mask-wearing as virus gains ground in schools, state

The City of Murfreesboro was recently received the Four-Star Municipality Award presented at the virtual convention of the Arkansas Municipal League. The award is for “excellence in loss control in the areas of employee safety, wellness, vehicle safety and prevent of legal liability.” Mayor Rodney Fagan is pictured with the award.

By John Balch

News-Leader staff

With COVID-19 cases setting records across Arkansas and schools pivoting to virtual learning, Murfreesboro Mayor Rodney Fagan is asking area residents to wear a mask to prevent the spread of the deadly virus.

“I’m asking each of the citizens to abide by the recommendations from the Department of Health and Gov. Hutchinson, which includes the wearing of facial masks, frequent hand-washing and using hand sanitizer and also socially distance in public places.”

Fagan said the virus is obviously real and “shouldn’t be thought of as political.”

Health experts have noted that wearing masks can reduce the risk of getting and spreading the virus which will will help reduce the daily cases in Arkansas.

“Please, do the right thing and do your part to help keep our citizens safe,” Fagan added.

The South Pike County School District announced last week it will switch to virtual learning, which started Nov. 13 through Nov. 20. All students will continue their education digitally. During this timeframe, students who become symptomatic or tests positive for COVID-19 will still need to contact the district virus point of contact, Tanya Wilcher, at (870) 285-2117.

Wilcher reported last week that the school district has sent home 76 staff and students with two positive confirmed staff members and five positive students and “others out waiting to test results.”

This week, the SPC district and the Kirby School District were added to the Arkansas Department of Health’s list of district with five or more cases. The Nashville School District is also on the list again this week.

“We all want the pandemic to end, and we will get there. But if we let out guard down, the virus can and will take advantage,” said a state press release. “It is important to continue taking precautions. This isn’t easy, but if we all stay strong and each do our part, we can protect one another. With multiple vaccines in clinical trials, and plans being developed on how to distribute the vaccine once verified to be effective and safe, their is hope on the horizon.”

The health department is also encouraging residents to get flu shots this year. “We need everyone to stay as healthy as possible to free up critical resources in our hospitals, and we also want to avoid the potential dangers associated with a patient getting flu and COVID-19 at the same time.”