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Election results for Howard, Pike counties


Howard County

Howard County voters joined their Arkansas brethren in strong support for Donald Trump in last week’s General Election.

While the Trump/Pence ticket enjoyed better than a 2-to-1 advantage over Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in Howard County, the incumbent President and Vice-President lost their re-election bid nationwide.

In Howard County, Republicans Trump/Pence led with 3,358 votes, followed by Democrats Biden/Harris with 1,333, and all other tickets with 114.

There were 4,830 ballots cast in the election, and the county has 7,295 registered voters. The turnout represented 66 percent of eligible voters.

The county gave strong support also to incumbent U.S. Senator Tom Cotton, Republican, 3.541 votes, to 1,143 for his Libertarian Party challenger Ricky Dale Harrington, Jr.

For U.S. Congress. Republican Bruce Westerman outpolled Democrat William H. Hanson 3,384-1,260. Libertarian Frank Gilbert got 96 votes.

There were no other races on the ballot.

On the three ballot Issue items, county voters supported two, Issues No. 1 and No. 2 and narrowly voted against No. 3. Statewide, Issue No. 1 — the highway tax issue — and the term limits amending Issue No. 2 passed.

Pike County

More than three-quarters (75.30%) of registered voters — 4,253 of 5.648 — in Pike County participated in the 2020 General Election conducted on Tuesday, Nov. 3.

In addition, reflecting the changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, 76% of the voters either voted by absentee ballot (239) or in the early voting format (3,007). Only 1,007 electors visited the polls on election day.

Pike County Clerk Randee Reid complimented the county for their overall participation in the election.

The official final vote total for Pike County’s general election 2020 totals, as certified by the County Election Board, included (winning percentage noted):


Trump/Pence (R) — 3,519 (82.88%)

Biden/Harris (D) — 644

Jorgensen/Cohen (LIB) — 41

West/Tidball (I) — 12

Myers/Lusk (LIF) — 6

Carrol/Patel (AME) — 4

Hawkins/Walker (GRN) — 4

Blankenship/Mohr (CNS) — 4

Pierce/ Ballard (I) — 4

Gammon/Collins (I) — 3

DeLaFuente/Richardson (I) — 3

Collins/Parker (I) — 2

LaRiva/Freeman (SOC) — 0

US Senate:

Tom Cotton (R) — 3,594 (85.47%)

Ricky Dale Harrington Jr. (LIB) — 611

US Congress Dist. 04

Bruce Westerman (R) — 3,540 (84.15%)

William H. Hanson (D)– 574

Frank Gilbert (I) — 91

Justice of Peace Dist 7:

Richard Mohlenhoff (R) — 275 (51.12%)

Tim Trout (I) — 156

Keith Couch (I) — 107

Alderman Position 4 Daisy:

Douglas E. Cochran (I) — 25 (61.10%)

Angelina Gammon (I) — 14

Alderman Position 2 Delight:

Valerie Wingfield (I) — 63 (62.38%)

Mike Gillham (I) — 38

Alderman West Ward Position 2 Murfreesboro

James “Cody” Bachmann — 344 (57.91%)

Misty Wilson — 250

Issue 1

For — 2,455 (59.13%)

Against — 1,697

Issue 2

For — 2,412 (59.07%)

Against — 1,671

Issue 3

For — 1,880 

Against — 2,072 (52.43%)

The numbers of the county mostly matched the other statewide/district races, which included the winners Tump (62.6%), Cotton (66.7%), Westerman (69.7%), Issue 1 For (55.3%), Issue 2 For (55.3%) and Issue 3 Against (55.9%).