123 years ago: June 1897
Information wanted: To anyone furnishing information as to the name and post office address of the daughter and heir to Geo. M. Kasson, who died in 1895 in San Joaquin County, California leaving an estate valued at over $100,000, suitable reward will be paid for information. Mr. Kasson was married at St. Louis in 1845 to Mary Hadden by whom he had a daughter born March 15, 1852 who is still living and whose name is supposed to be Mary Mann, a widow. She is small and of dark complexion and has black eyes and black hair. She was raised mostly in Arkansas, and has a child seven years old named Alma Green.
Charlie Whiteside opened up his soda fountain Wednesday and “set ‘em up” to all who came in. The newsman took a glass of soda water and pronounced it delicious. Charlie has a nice place and will keep it clean and neat.
(Adv.) I have just burned a kiln of first-class brick, which I will sell at $6.00 per thousand. W. A. Carey, Mineral Springs. Arkansas
106 years ago: October 1914
Deputy Sheriffs Gibbs and Reese, Newt Whitten and Charles McLarey, Jim Crawford and Dick Schooley last Sunday night captured a large roadster with a cargo of 55 half-gallons of whiskey near Okay. The operators of the car making their escape as the officers drew up beside them.
(Adv.) 48 pounds of flour $1.69, by Stueart Grocery owned and operated by boys you know. M. L. Stueart and Fred Stueart Nashville.
88 years ago: September 1932
Hon. W. D. Lee of this place recently found among his personal archives a copy of the Center Point Tocsin, W. S. Grant, editor, with the date of April 10, 1886. The issue of the paper gave the personnel of the Democratic Central Committee for Howard County, including James D. Shaver for Center Point, R. D. Dill for Mineral Springs, and R. T. Stueart of Nashville.
William Parnell, who lived on the Dr. W. B. Simpson farm near Nathan, was killed Wednesday morning in a very unusual wreck. Mr. Parnell, together with Harry Golden and his small son, were en route to Murfreesboro with a load of cotton when the wagon started down a mountain. It ran upon the team causing them to run away. The wagon was overturned, penning the occupants beneath the load. Golden and the boy were able to extricate themselves from the wreckage, but were unable to free Mr. Parnell.
(Adv.) Lunch time and work not done? Use Kline’s bread and cakes to relieve your baking worries and you will be ready. Saturday special – pecan rolls, Kline Baking Company of Nashville, Arkansas.
37 years ago: July 1983
What about prosecution of game law violators in Howard County? Enforcement Officer Virgil Hellums told Rotarians Wednesday that “if I bring the facts before the judge, they are going to pay for it,” violation of game laws. The game officer has a strong reputation for being fair but strict in handling game violations. “After eleven years I know that I’m not going to stop ‘em all, but I can make ‘em nervous.“