123 years ago: April 1897
Elias Spencer, who was arrested at Washington week before last for passing counterfeit money, was tried at Washington last Saturday and sentenced to five years in the penitentiary. The state’s interest was looked after in a very able manner by Honorable J. M. Carter of Texarkana, the handsome young prosecuting attorney.
Miss Mamie Smith left Thursday for Hot Springs, where she will visit until the Mississippi River goes down.
(Adv.) The Roach and Wallace Fertilizer is the equal of guano but is much cheaper. It increases the production of land two to four fold. Sample of the fertilizer maybe seen at the residence of Dr. B. F. Jones on Muddy Fork. This fertilizer can be made for $1.75 per ton.
88 years ago: August 1932
F. P. Owen of Bingen, who was a visitor in Little Rock last week, was one of the guests at the Strauble Hotel when that hostelry burned in an early morning fire resulting in injuries to several and the death of one. Few of the guests were able to save their belongings. Mr. Owen escaped with the greater part of his belongings and was uninjured.
Mrs. Geo. Coleman, who was injured at her home in this city last week when a grind stone fell on the back of her head, was taken to a hospital at Texarkana Saturday for an X-ray examination. Her condition is reported as very serious.
(Adv.) We have moved our bakery to the second door north of Bob Steuart’s Grocery. Please come and visit us in our new quarters of which we are very proud and where we will be better prepared to care for your needs. Mc’s Bakery.

70 years ago: July 1950
Reeder Goodlett had cow troubles last week. One of his cows was struck by lightning and killed. But before that another cow gave birth to a calf that was born blind. He plans to raise the calf and said the calf is doing okay.
The sheriff’s department Friday put two runaway teenage girls on a bus bound for Albert Lea, Minnesota. The girls Mary Dudley and Shirley Gluckenburg, both from Albert Lea, were picked up near Nashville after running away from their homes and hitch hiking into Arkansas. Sheriff Arthur Hicks said their parents were contacted and asked that the girls be sent back home by bus.
40 years ago: August 1980
Nashville teachers unanimously approved a salary schedule that included a reduction in pay increases here Monday. That action was viewed as positive by Superintendent Carl Barger who said local teachers understand the financial situation, and they have accepted it. Many school districts in the state face legal action to prevent the reduced rates which resulted from a $16.7 million reduction in state aid. Most of the school districts, including Nashville, had agreed to contracts with their teachers when they learned last month of the reduced aid.