Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


124 years ago: July 1896

Terrell Lewis, an influential and prosperous farmer of the Blackland was in Nashville Thursday. He is quite a politician and keeps up with the doings of all parties. Mr. Lewis says sorghum has been used for currency in his neighborhood for several years, but is so plentiful now that here is no demand for it, and he has planted a few acres in pumpkins expecting to use them as currency, but is afraid his crop will be very short unless it rains soon.

Willie Thomas cut his left thumb off Wednesday while splitting stove wood. The thumb was sewed back on, but will probably be stiff.


90 years ago:  March 1930

County Clerk Alger Merrell has received a letter from Senator T. H. Caraway, in which the senator advises that an appropriation bill is now pending before Congress to provide a suitable headstone to mark the grave of every Confederate Veteran and is asking assistance in securing a list of such graves.

The semi-annual meeting of the Howard County Singing Convention has been set for the second Sunday in April. It will be held at Possum Holler, which is three miles south of Dierks. Several fine singings have been held at Possum Holler in the last few years, but this one aspires to be the best.


Jenny Power, Megan Steel, Jessica Steel, Wendy Stueart and Kim Hardin display Scrapper ponchos sold by the Booster Club in August 1989

66 years ago:  March 1954

An automobile rolled backwards off the steep hill between the bank and the Nashville Drug Store early Monday, frightening the two youngsters inside. Dean Norsworthy jumped into the automobile just as it neared the middle of Main Street intersection and just as big tears came into the eyes of the frightened youngsters, Steve and Fred Coleman. No fenders were bumped and no one was hurt, fortunately.

A Mineral Springs soldier is one of three Arkansans recently added to the list of Americans now presumed dead in Korea. The soldier was Corporal Isaac Brown, son of Mrs. Lizza E. Brown of Mineral Springs.  In releasing the list, the Army stated most of the deaths apparently occurred while the men were prisoners of war of the North Koreans.


40 years ago: March 1980

In front of a thrilled first grade Friday afternoon at Nashville Primary School Olin Sides demonstrated how to put on horse shoes as part of the school’s continuing career awareness program.

The Center Point Grocery was broken into and burglarized sometime Friday according to the police log. Eunice Yates called and reported the theft early Saturday. 

The burglar entered the store by breaking through the rear door and took approximately $14 in cash.

(Adv.) Midway Upholstery, 5% off on all materials.  Free pick-up and delivery. All work guaranteed. Located on Highway 27 South R. S. Morgan, owner