124 years ago: August 1896
Henry Cook of Sevier County has confessed to the shooting of the little Jones boy in that county last week. He said that Charlie Lee and himself were the only ones present when the shooting was done and said that Jim Howard who was arrested and put in jail knew nothing of the crime. He said they used the gun of Ed Cox and that Cox knew what they wanted to do with the gun when they borrowed it. Cook, Lee and Cox have all been arrested and will be held for Circuit Court next January.
90 years ago: February 1930
This week the grand jury returned an indictment of first degree murder against Cecil Killian, who is charged with the fatal shooting of Ben Kesterson at his home in the northern part of the county last November. Killian is alleged to have gone to Kesterson’s home about midnight and called Kesterson to the gate where a short conversation was held and after which Killian fired the fatal shots. Kesterson’s daughter is the principal prosecuting witness.
With the mid-term examinations in the past, diligent and earnest study in the present, and final examinations looming ahead in the future, the senior class of 1930 has started on the last lap of its memorable journey through high school. The motto chosen for the class this year “Forward ever, backward never” is more than a motto to them. It is a standard by which they have loyally stood for twelve years.
70 years ago: March 1950
Nashville’s ‘White Way’ will be brighter soon. Councilmen Monday voted to replace present street lamps with more powerful lamps and gave Ralph Wilson of Southwestern Gas and Electrical Company the signal to make the necessary purchases.
SWAHA is the official name of the group that will develop and publicize the recreational future of the Narrows Lake. SWAHA stands for Southwest Arkansas Hospitality Association and although it suggests Indian derivation, it bears absolutely no relation to the Ouachita tribe that once roamed the hills.
40 years ago: February 1980
Lorraine Ellis has been named winner of the second annual outstanding achievement award by the members of the Nashville Kiwanis chapter.
Mrs. Ellis was cited at Tuesday’s presentation for her work on the Terra Firma Garden Club’s project of landscaping the Howard County Courthouse.
Making the presentation was Kiwanis officer Bill Simpson. Mrs. Ellis said that some work still remains on the project and she and her club were grateful for the community support on the project.
(Adv.) J. A. West Co. We guarantee to satisfy. Nashville, Arkansas. West is having an art show inside our store Friday and Saturday with art work from the Nashville High School art department. So come on and enjoy the works of young Nashville artists.