Home Breaking News Big facility projects set South Pike County district

Big facility projects set South Pike County district


By John Balch

News-Leader staff

Two major facility projects are set to begin this school year on the Murfreesboro campus of the South Pike County School District.

The district’s band hall will get some much-needed attention as part of a $169,000 project where drainage will be corrected and the hall’s interior and exterior will be improved. The project’s work will be done by Scott Howard of Delight, who submitted the low bid and helped rebuild the high school after it burned in the late 90s as part of his late father’s construction company.

A major roof project on the Murfreesboro High School and elementary buildings will also get started around September. The project was approved for Kirk Roofing and Construction in the estimated amount of $675,289. The school’s portion of the cost will be $357,903 plus the architect’s fee with the remainder of the cost being paid by state partnership funds.

In other business during the August meeting of the South Pike County School Board, a transfer to the Blevins School District was approved for a high school student and the elementary and secondary students handbooks were approved.

After a short executive session, the board accepted the resignation of high school teacher Stephanie Cox and custodian Linda Compton.

The board voted to hire Brittany Harris to teach American History and EAST for one year in order to meet the district needs in addressing COVID-19.

The board also voted to hire Tanya Wilcher as the district’s COVID-19 “Point of Contact.”