Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


134 years ago:  November 1886

The reduction of the public debt for the month of September was $810,627,013.  An estimate has been made that at the close of the present administration the reduction of the outstanding interest-bearing debt will be such as to bring the amount below $81,000,000,000. 

(Adv.) Ward and Lawrence, the leader in Harness and Saddlery, whips, saddles, bridles, collars, etc. Repairing promptly done, Main Street, Nashville, Arkansas


90 years ago: Autumn of 1930

A.P. Webb, a well-known planter near Mineral Springs, took sweepstakes premiums on corn at both the district fair at Hope and the state fair at Little Rock.  

At Little Rock he was awarded $5.00 for the 10 best ears, and $5.00 sweepstakes prize, and at Hope $10.00 for the best 100 ears and $3.00 for the best 10.  

Mr. Webb is a consistent winner at fairs, and is one of the best farmers in this section. Mr. Webb is a man “Who has brought distinction to his county.”


Coach Dwight Jones’ first senior Scrapper football team, 1954

75 years ago: August 1945

Japan surrendered unconditionally tonight. History’s most destructive war is over except for formalities. Allied forces were instructed to suspend fighting as Japanese surrendered unconditionally.

President Truman released the news at 7 p.m. Arrangements must be completed for the signing of formal surrender terms.  General Douglas MacArthur has been appointed supreme Allied commander to receive the surrender. Then V-J Day will be proclaimed.

(Adv.) Peace! We pray that it may be a lasting peace … that the freedom of peace-loving people may always be secure…that American lives may never again be sacrificed in war. We are deeply grateful to all those who have won the Victory. The Nashville Drug Company, phone 51


41 years ago: August 1979

Editorial: The irony of our times is that many who benefit most, in dollars and freedom, are so willing to throw overboard what only America does have.

Like Jane Fonda, who has been credited with this remarkable quote: “If you understood what Communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees, that we would someday become Communist.”

Of course the Communists do not get down on their knees. Nor do the Marxist states allow the freedom of expression or criticism such as Hanoi Jane enjoys in this country. 

Hanoi Jane is not alone in her lack of understanding of what freedom means, what liberty under law means, nor can she and her like accept the fact that whatever our faults and weaknesses, other states do not offer the freedom and the opportunity that we have. 

Pity the dupes like Fonda and a liberal media that doesn’t understand the Communist threat.