Home Breaking News Pike County push for ‘wet’ ballot issue continues

Pike County push for ‘wet’ ballot issue continues


The Pike County Improvement Committee held a petition drive Saturday at the Gypsy Underground Flea Market in Murfreesboro as part of their efforts to put a referendum to make Pike County wet on the November general election ballot.

Organizers said plans were in place to hold events in Kirby and Glenwood on dates yet to be determined. At the drive Saturday, more than 10 people were registered to vote, while another 40-plus people signed petitions. The group, which must get 1,959 valid petitions turned into the Pike County Clerk’s office by Aug. 5, is still seeking help with their efforts. Should a person wish to sign a petition or distribute them, visit the Gypsy Underground in Murfreesboro or contact the group at their Facebook page, www.facebook.com/Pike-County-Improvement-Committee-101650484918948.

William Davis (pictured), who recently relocated to the area from Colorado, works the petition drive Saturday.