124 years ago: July 1896
This issue of The News goes to many persons who have not heretofore been readers of the paper, and we hope everyone will be kind enough to speak a good word of the paper. We are trying hard to make a first-class paper of The News and feel that our efforts are beginning to be appreciated. Show the paper to your friends and neighbors and ask them to subscribe.
Walter Boyd of Centre Point has accepted a situation in the Arkansas Democrat office at Little Rock.
(Adv.) The Nashville Marble Yard, D. Price, Proprietor. All kinds of headstones and monuments made to order on short notice and satisfaction guaranteed. Will do work at reasonable prices and take half of the price in country produce at the market rates. Patronize home industries.
91 years ago: January 1929
Notice: The commissioners of Water and Sewer Improvement Districts No. 1 have directed that all lands or lots on which the benefit assessments for 1928 are unpaid, be certified as delinquent on February 1st, 1929. A 20 per cent penalty will attach after that date. C.G. Hughes, Collector.
(Adv.) Liberty Theatre, Monday and Tuesday, William Fox presents “Romance of the Underworld” with Mary Astor and Ben Bard, Also, News and Comedy. Matinee 10 cents and 25 cents; night 10 cents and 35 cents.
46 years ago: November 1974
Bus transportation here has not been affected by a Greyhound strike freezing that company’s terminals over the country.
Raymond Cornish, operator of the Continental Bus station here, said Wednesday that the local transportation schedule had not been affected by the Greyhound strike. Some 16,000 Greyhound employees struck the system which carries passengers to and from thousands of American cities.
(Adv.) Tony Lama – To a champion calf roper like Glen Franklin, hesitation can be deadly. Glen never hesitates when it comes to buying boots either. He knows that world-famous Tony Lama handcrafted boots can’t be beat for looks, durability and comfort. Quality Shoe Store.

34 years ago: April 1986
First, second and third place winners have been selected in the “Good Neighbors Save Energy”poster contest sponsored by Arkansas Louisiana Gas Company, according to Jerry Couch, district manager.
First place was awarded to Lee Lemons. Second place went to Angelia Edwards and third place to Jason Bohanon. All are students at Nashville Elementary School.
“Winning posters were selected based on the students’ ability to creatively demonstrate the ’Good Neighbors Save Energy’ theme,” Couch said. The winning posters will be sent to Arkla Headquarters where 12 final winners from Arkansas, Louisiana and Kansas will be selected for a 1987 full-color calendar to be distributed throughout the United States.