Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


94 years ago:  November 1926

A great shock came to the people of Nashville and all this part of the state in the midst of their Thanksgiving festivities Thursday afternoon, when the news was received here that Ben F. Dildy, 14-year-old son of Sheriff and Mrs. Clarence A. Dildy, was instantly killed at the home of his cousin, Enos Dildy, a few miles north of the city, his death having resulted from the accidental discharge of his own shotgun with which he had been hunting. The dead youth would have finished high school here with distinction of being youngest of 43 members.

(Adv.) A fully guaranteed and highly recommended treatment for the kidney and bladder. Try Blue Flag Compound. Sold by Druggists or sold post-paid to your address for $2. Tex-A-Tone Medicine Company Texarkana, Arkansas-Texas


51 years ago: February 1969

Jack Manasco, pioneer Arkansan and a longtime civic and political leader of Umpire, died Sunday. He was 95 years of age and had been in declining health the past several months.

Best known to Howard County as “Uncle Jack,” he was a friendly, aggressive church and political leader for many years. He was a member and supporter of the Democratic Party, a retired farmer and stockman.  He was born July 2, 1873 and was a lifelong resident of Umpire. He was member of the Methodist Church and the Baker Springs Masonic Lodge.

  The State Supreme Court ruled Monday that “justices of the peace” who hear misdemeanor cases cannot collect fees for convictions. Such a procedure is a denial of due process, Associate Justice George Rose Smith said in the court’s unanimous opinion. Howard County is one of 23 in Arkansas that do not have municipal courts. Nashville has a mayor’s court while the rest of the county generally uses JP courts where fees are involved.


46 years ago:  November 1974

“Thunderbolt” will sound off Friday afternoon.  The $5,000 Civil Defense siren with a 4-tone voice capable of reaching out 12 miles with its message of alarm will be tested between 4 and 5 p.m. Friday Sheriff Conrad Bagley said Thursday.

The CD siren is on a metal platform near the new city-county building, sharing a high position with the city fire siren which was tested Wednesday. The Civil Defense alarm will sound in the event of a major disaster or emergency.

Harold McMullan of the Rescue Unit said the CD alarm would revolve and sound for three minutes unless the controls are turned off.


Emma Smith of Nashville is crowned Howard County Centennial Queen by County Judge Ed Reese in August 1973.

28 years ago: February 1992

A burglary at the rural home of television evangelist Kenneth Copeland of Fort Worth, Texas was reported to police Saturday.

According to criminal investigator Butch Godwin of the Arkansas State Police, a neighbor feeding cows noticed that a fence around the Copeland place had been cut and notified police.

Preliminary investigation has revealed that items missing from the home include a television, stereo, video-recorder and firearms.  

The secluded residence is in a rural area near Center Point.

(Adv.) A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. All young men have one responsibility in common.  They have to register with Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday. It’s quick. It’s easy. And it is the law. A public service message of the Selective Service System.