Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


100 years ago: December 1920

Cotton still remains at the cheapest price it has been for a number of years, short selling in Nashville yesterday at 5 cents to 14 cents per pound.

The three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shuffield was painfully burned Monday, on the cheek, when she turned a cup of hot coffee over.

Time, tides and railroads wait for no man. But bill collectors do.

(Adv.) Shows at Princess this week: Wednesday-Louise Glaum in “The Leopard Woman.” 5 reels; Thursday- Constance Talmadge and John Emerson in “Love Expert” 5 reel feature; Friday – 2 reel Harold Lloyd comedy.


Chester Andres waits at a voting booth provided for secrecy in the 1960s.

95 years ago: December, 1925

While cleaning trash from a drain pipe at their home in Horatio, S. R. Smith, aged 60 and his son, Bill Smith, 21, were electrocuted this afternoon at about 2 o’clock. They had moved the pipe which was about 30 feet long, from beside the house and had stood it on end near a tree in the yard.

The pipe came in contact with high voltage wires above, and was charged, killing the father and son instantly.  No one witnessed the tragedy, but a neighbor, hearing the pipe crash to the ground, rushed to the scene.

(Adv.) 1855-1925, Pennant “In quality above all,” Before going on your vacation! Have your car completely oiled and greased with Pennant Products! Then proceed with assurances. Pierce Petroleum Corporation, Barney Smith, Agent


88 years ago:  October, 1932

The farmers of the Centre Community vaccinated 130 head of cattle for Blackleg yesterday, following an outbreak of the disease on the farm of Earl Dixon.  Blackleg is a very serious and fatal disease of cattle and cannot be cured after the animal once has it, but fortunately it can be prevented by vaccinating with Blackleg Aggressin. Aggressin contains no live germs, is safe, and does not interfere with the milk from milk cows being used right on.

The gin of the Temple Cotton Oil Company at Ozan was destroyed by fire shortly before midnight Monday.  

The loss included 35 tons of cotton seed and 40 bales of cotton.

(Adv.) Liberty Theatre, Saturday, Hoot Gibson in “The Gay Buckaroo” plus Our Gang Comedy


77 years ago: September, 1943

Corporal William Douglas Wesson 24, of Route 4, Nashville, will appear in a chorus of 200 colored engineer aviation troops on the stage of London’s Royal Albert Hall in a concert of American spiritual and patriotic music. He is the son of William Wesson and attended Childress High here and entered the Army 18 months ago.

The War Department announced Friday night that Private Preston L. Price, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Price of Umpire had been killed in action in the Southwest Pacific area.  

He was reared at Umpire and had enlisted about a year ago.