Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


95 years ago: December, 1925

The Schaal School basketball boys fought for their second win of the season on the home court this afternoon with the Mineral Springs school team as their opponents, the game resulting in a victory for the Schaal team by the score of 17-8. The Schaal team this year is composed of the following: Morris Sanders, right forward; Hugh Ennis, left forward; Dennis Williams, center; Tom Hawthorne, right guard and Chas. Hawthorne, left guard.

(Adv.) Taylor’s Variety Store, Nashville and Dierks, “Get it for less at Taylor’s.” Standard bed-time phonograph records, 3 for 25 cents; dozen 89 cents; Nine 10 cent cakes Toilet soap for 25 cents


88 years ago:  October, 1932

Ordinance No. 235 Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of Nashville, Ark.

Section 1. Every person who shall on the Sabbath day or Sunday, be found laboring, or shall cause his apprentice or servant to labor or perform other services other than customary household duties of necessity, comfort or charity, within the city of Nashville, Ark., shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

Section 2. The above section shall not apply to the office of a practicing physician, the sale of medicine or ice and fresh meat, nor to telephone exchange or railroads.

Section 3. Anyone violating this ordinance shall upon conviction be fined in a sum not less than $5.00 and not more than $25.00.  J. S. Butt, Mayor


Jim Corn and Evelyn Jamison with son Joey, the Howard County Farm Family of the Year, 1958.

77 years ago: December 1943

Capt. Clovis Y. Tollett, son of A. L. Tollett and the late Mrs. Tollett of Nashville has been sent overseas with a unit he described as being ”the toughest, hardest and jumpingest parachute unit in the world.”

Capt. Tollett was graduated from Nashville High School and worked as an Arkansas Gazette carrier before entering New York University.  He also attended   Columbia University before entering the merchandising and advertising business.  He later won a scholarship at the school of Aeronautics, New York and joined the United States Ferrying Command flying bombers to Britain at the outbreak of the war.

He joined the army in August, 1941, and broke several world’s records in his training as a paratrooper at Fort Benning, Ga.

From the Ration Calendar: November 22- First day for use of No. 9 coupons in “A’ ration book. Each coupon good for 3 gallons of gas; January 15- Last date for use of sugar stamp No. 29 in Ration Book 4, good for five pounds of sugar.


62 years ago: November 1958

A Glenwood housewife, Mrs. D. L. LaRue, won $10,000 on a network TV program Monday night and said she nearly fainted when she was notified of the award.

A mail chute for motorists has been installed near the front of the Nashville Post Office for mailing convenience.  

The drive-in spot at the mail chute has been painted a bright yellow. Nashville’s city council recently approved marking off two parking places at the mail chute.