Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


120 years ago: 1900

Rev. William Sloan is wanted in Hot Springs on a charge of bigamy. Mrs. Sloan says her husband has another wife living in Texas, and she believes there is at least one more woman with whom he has matrimonial ties. Sloan, who is an itinerate parson, went to Hot Springs from Texas.

A husband’s jealousy caused a tragedy near Hoxie.  Dave Smith met his wife who was going to her father’s house in company with John Fowler and Lem Hall, old acquaintances.  Smith knocked the woman down, drew a revolver and shot Fowler and Hall, mortally wounding the later.

(Adv.) Tenderness and aching in the small of the back is a serious symptom that the kidneys are suffering. Take Smith’s Sure Kidney Cure at once. It is a reliable kidney remedy. 50 cents at all drug stores


96 years ago: 1924

Okay, Ark. 1929. The first finished cement was packed and shipped Sept. 12, 1929.

The girls of Tokio organized a JUG Club Saturday in the home of Miss Edna Moore. The club will meet at the home of Mrs. Margaret Holt next Saturday to initiate all new members. 

The state highway department has issued a total of nearly 100,000 licenses of all kinds on automobiles, trucks and motorcycles.  The total number issued last year was 114,200, and it is expected this number will be reached by April 1.

(Adv.) If the bowels are clogged up, poison gets into the blood causing loss of strength, skin eruption, dizziness and blind staggers.  Prickly Ash Bitters will open the bowels, drive out the impurities and restore strength, energy and cheerful spirits. Price $1.25 per bottle. Rector Drug Store.


62 years ago: 1958

One of Southwest Arkansas’s most modern shoe stores, Quality, reopened here last week after extensive remodeling beautified the store’s appearance inside and out. New light fixtures cast beams on harmonized colors and textures on the wall, ceiling and floor.  Quality Shoe Store customers visited the store frequently and took part in reopening events. An interior view showed the tile floor and walk on carpet for customers. Dale Hamilton is the owner.


42 years ago: 1978

When the Corps of Engineers issues a call for “Ma and Pa” applicants to manage recreational area gates, can spring be far behind?  The Tulsa District will continue its popular gate attendance system this summer by contracting with about 50 man and wife teams, mostly  retired couples, to manage the recreational area gates at 18 lakes.  The man and wife team collects user fees and assists campers, keeps tabs on visitors and closes the gates at night.