Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog” Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog” Harris Memorial Early Files


24 years ago: 1896

“Arkansas has a big immigration boom, and I think it is a conservative estimate that she will get 100,000 settlers this year,” said Capt. G. A.A. Dean of little Rock of the Land Department of the Missouri Pacific Railroad.

Notice:  Strayed or stolen, one bark-bay horse mule, 10 years old, 161/2  hands  high, roam face, also one bald-faced filly, three years old, 14 hands high, both hind feet and right forefoot are white, but I do not remember whether or not the left forefoot is white. Will pay a liberal award for information as to their whereabouts. O. T. Pope, Barker, Ark.

(Adv.) “Mother’s Friend.” Shortens labor, lessens pain, stronger after and before confinement, says a prominent midwife. It is the best remedy for rising breast.  Makes childbirth easy.  Sent by express or mail. $1.00 per bottle. Sold at all druggists.

Flames engulf landmark Mineral Springs Hardware, founded in 1911. Photo made 1985


96 years ago: 1924

Miss Virginia Estes, who has for the past several weeks been busy making the cast and directing rehearsals for the DeMoley Minstrels has announced that the shows will be held at the Liberty Theater next Thursday and Friday nights everything being in readiness for the staging. A splendid cast has been made by Miss Estes, and the people can expect something good in this.

The people of this section, who are already the largest producers of peaches in the state are getting more fruit and truck attention now than ever before, and it is predicted that in only a few years all the land adapted to peaches or berries culture will be set in these crops. A company was recently organized at Corinth to set a 90 acre Elberta peach orchard.

(Adv.) Blue Ribbon Café.  When you are going on any kind of outing, call us for your lunches. We are prepared to furnish them. We appreciate your patronage. We have chicken dinner Sunday. 

Mr. Forrest Wilson and wife cordially invite you to have lunch at the Blue Ribbon Café.


62 years ago: 1958

Three Nashville musicians will be among 55 concertists for the spring musical at Henderson State Teacher’s College next Tuesday.  The band will do several numbers from Broadway musicals. The Nashville musicians include Pat Ray, clarinet, Bob Blakely, saxophone, and Jamie Wallis, percussion.

Charles Yates of Nashville has been elected an officer of Men’s Houses at the University of Arkansas,  Dr. D. W. Hallaway, dean of students, has announced. Yates, a Nashville High graduate, is vice president of Droke House.


42 years ago: 1978

A group called “Mothers for a new Junior High Building” began contacting registered voters in the school district last Wednesday pushing a positive vote in the election. The group will provide free transportation to the polls.

A total of $67,180 has been received in the drive to build a sheltered workshop in the Howard County Children’s Center according to Center director Liz Backus. 

Approximately $8,000 is needed to complete the building and buy equipment.