Home Early Files Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


120 years ago: 1900

Before becoming ill, Rev. G. W. Reaves of Mineral Springs had prepared a sermon to be delivered to his congregation on March 11. He was taken ill on Saturday March 10 and was unable to fill his appointment. On last Thursday when Rev. Reaves became aware that he was dying, he decided to deliver his sermon to those present. He did so and at the conclusion of the sermon the consecrated man said let us pray. Those present knelt and with bowed heads listened as the man of God lifted his voice in supplication, but the prayers were not finished and with the name of his savior on his lips the man was called by his master to receive his award promised to those faithful to the end.

(Adv.) The household remedy is Hunt’s Lightning Oil. All aches and pains are quickly relieved, satisfaction or your money refunded.


Dierks Lumber and Coal Company Log Train, 1930s-1940s

96 years ago: 1924

Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Hancock of this city are in receipt of advice from Memphis, Tenn., of the injury of their daughter, Mrs. Joe Wilson, in an automobile accident. Mrs. Wilson was crossing a street in the city when she was struck by the automobile. Although she was painfully bruised and suffered from shock, it is not thought her injuries are serious.

Tom Holt, a pioneer of this section of Arkansas and one of the best-known men in Howard County, died at his home in Center Point Sunday afternoon, his death resulting after two weeks of illness with kidney trouble. The burial was had at Corinth Tuesday morning.  Mr. Holt was a high ranking soldier in the Confederate Army and fought with honor to himself and the lost cause.  Mr. Holt was 78 years of age and is survived by five children.

Due to several cases of typhoid, Nashville physicians have issued a warning not to use the creek water which is furnished through the city waterworks system for drinking unless it is first boiled.


62 years ago:  1958

Sgt. First Class Ortis Dowd, whose wife, Ola, lives in Center Point recently participated in “Sabre Hawk,” a Seventh Army Maneuver which involved more than 100,000 troops in Germany. He entered the army in 1942.

A Nashville man recently got a favorable newspaper review for his part in a comedy presented by the Arlington, Va., Players recently. Parker Westbrook, an aide to Congressman Ezekiel Gathings, played a major role in the “Gramercy Ghost” presented by the Arlington Community Department of Recreation and Parks.


42 years ago: 1978

Branch manager Ronnie Bell of Southwest Federal Savings and Loan Association has announced the prize winners of the firm’s first anniversary observation. Winner of the Realistic component stereo system was Patricia Pinkerton of Nashville. Winners of the $25 savings accounts were Hollis Sharp of Dierks and Ann Smithson, Rick Castleberry and Carl Willard all of Nashville.