Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


126 years ago: 1894

The nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hall, who lives about five miles from town, fell into a well eighty feet deep one day last week.  Mr. Hall was near and discovered him shortly afterwards.  

The little fellow had presence of mind enough to hold to the rope until he could be pulled out.  This was a narrow escape, but he came out alright.

 “A telescope is practical and with the objective 100 feet in diameter.  There is no reason why with telescopic science one should not see the inhabitants of Mars and see to pick up a pin on the moon.” This is the bold utterance of Louis Gathman, the inventor from Chicago.

Notice: Our correspondents will please observe the following rules: write on only one side of the paper, write all proper names very plainly, do not indulge in personality calculated to wound the feelings of anyone. Just write the news

(Adv.)  A New Tin Shop, F. Musser, Proprietor, At the J. B. Smith old stand. Will make and repair all kinds of tin ware, stove pipe, etc.  Give me a call.


98 years ago: 1922

Clarence Carey of Bingen suffered a broken arm last Sunday when a mule which he was leading jerked him, throwing him in a ditch.

Capturing moonshine stills has become almost a mania the past few days.  The last still was found on the farm of A. Tarno about one and a half miles northwest of Corinth, the still being near the home of Tarno.  

Mr. Tarno was arrested by the sheriff and was granted bond for his appearance before the next grand jury in August.

(Adv.) Wanted 500 or 600 bushels of Whippoorwill peas.  Cash when car is loaded.  J. W. C. Bell, phone 200.


68 years ago: 1952

W. D. Walden has been transferred from the USS Perch submarine to recruiting duty in Little Rock with the Marine Corps.  

He will visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Walden of Nashville before reporting for duty in Little Rock.

Parking meters, controversial everywhere, will find some light shed on their public acceptance in this area soon. 

Both De Queen and Mena have spoken on the meters. Texarkana and Hope already have the gadgets.

(Adv.) At the Elberta, Saturday night 10:45, Jane Wyman,”The Blue Veil.” This is one of the outstanding programs of the year.


44 years ago: 1976

Hazel Hill Copeland, who recently retired after 20 years of dedicated service to the Nashville library was honored by the board Monday night. Punch and cake were served to the directors and guests.  

Mrs. Copeland had the honor of serving in the old two-story library quarters, then the Depot where the library was temporarily established, and finally in the new quarters in the City-County Building. 

Board president Archie Cothren presented the honoree with a plaque.

Notice: Increased reward.  Tyson’s has increased the reward to $4,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person who phoned a bomb threat to Tyson’s on the morning of Friday, Jan. 23. Contact Jim Cate or Neely Cassady or Sheriff Conrad Bagley.