Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


124 years ago: 1896

United States Marshals arrested eight men for making illicit whiskey eighteen miles north of Centre Point this week and captured two large copper stills with a capacity of 100 gallons each.  The men were carried to Texarkana, and the stills were left at Centre Point.

During services at the Methodist Church at Ashdown last Sunday night, the building suddenly gave way on one side and sank down 18 inches. Some of the timbers from overhead fell and created a panic. Bob Short, formerly from here, had two of his fingers cut off while getting out of a window. 

Notice: Two of my boys, Gus and George, have left home without my consent and being under age I hereby warn all people not to harbor them or give them work. Sam Hutchinson


Robert Young and Earl Pope survey the destruction from fire in 1972 which destroyed the old frame building which once housed the Center Point Post Office.

98 years ago: 1922

Success crowned the filibuster of the Senate Democrats against the Dyer Anti-lynching Bill today when Republican Senators in party caucus voted to abandon the measure completely. The Republican Majority acted after the Democrats, in what is generally conceded to be one of the most efficiently conducted filibusters in the history of the Senate, had prevented the transaction of any business for the fourth consecutive legislative day.

Why envy the man who lives in clover. You would not want to be rubbing elbows with a million bees all your life. 

(Adv.) We have a few 75 cent and $1.00 talking machine records which we will sell in the next few days at 25 cents each.  Peoples Drug Company


64 years ago: 1956

Boys of the community are invited to attend the Joel Chandler Post American Legion meeting Tuesday night at which time organization of the rifle team is to be discussed.  John Shaddox and Brice Darling are to be in charge of the rifle team and will instruct the youth in proper handling and care of firearms.

Monday the local jail looked like a convention hall.  Between the city marshal and the sheriff’s office, eight fellows had free board and lodging, but all were in for minor counts, including four for imbibing too freely of spirits, a transient who wrote a rubber check and three youths who sought shelter in Ransom Wilson’s barn, but made the mistake of using a bale of hay as fuel for a fire.


58 years ago: 1962

Fifth graders were all eyes and ears in a busy News plant Friday as Mrs. Howard Lewis took her pupils on a 4-stop tour of the city. The fifth graders visited and saw the inner workings of the post office, Western Union, Freeze King and the Nashville News.

Bill Roberts escorted the visiting students through the News plant and explained the role each piece of machinery played in preparing a newspaper or commercial printing form.

Rufus Hallmark, a former Nashville High school student, has made the dean’s list at the end of the first semester at Davidson College in Davidson, N. C. He is the son of Col. and Mrs. Rufus Hallmark and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hallmark and Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Hughes.