Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


125 years ago: 1894

A telegram from Hope about 8:30 this morning announced that Mr. W. H. Greathouse, fireman on the Ark. & La. Railway, was thrown from a car at that place and was seriously injured. 

Mrs. Sarah Allen, wife of Mr. W. T. Allen, died at their residence one mile south of Centre Point last Monday evening at 4 after an illness of three weeks. Mrs. Allen was the oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Reese and was 50 years old. She leaves behind a husband and eight children. Mrs. Allen was a faithful member of the Christian Church and passed peacefully away in the hope of a home beyond the skies.

 (Adv.) Alex L. Skillern, dealer in hardware, stoves and tinware. Agents for Oliver’s Chilled Plows, Superior Mohawk and Alamo Stoves. Nashville, Arkansas


GN & A engine, a grain car and the Tyson poultry feed mill. 1984

97 years ago: 1922

Up to noon yesterday the indications were that the people of the affected district were desirous of a general stock law for that portion of Howard County now covered by a partial stock law. There being 62 people signing for the passage of the bill as compared with 29 against the law. The books will be closed on December 9 and every person in the district should come in and sign what he desires before that time, and then he will have no room to kick on the action of the representative.

The third annual Poultry Show of the Howard County Poultry Association will open in this city tomorrow morning and will continue through Friday night during which time one of the best exhibits of fine poultry ever seen in the state will be on display. The exhibits will be in the Rivers Hall on North Main Street.

(Adv.)  Rub-My-Tism, an antiseptic, sold at all Drug Stores


67 years ago: 1952

Two Nashville hunters enjoyed the hospitality and fellowship of the North Howard camp near Shady Lake. City marshal Olin Ball bagged a 4-pointer and Mike Robinson, popular camp member and brother of the late John Robinson, who was a familiar camp figure there, brought down a spike. Bobby Seals, son of Ben Seals, killed a 4-pointer. 

A. P. Harberson, formerly of Dierks, is reopening the Chicken Shack on the Hope Highway near South Main. The opening day has been set for Wednesday.

Six Nashville retailers announced the adoption of the Eagle Stamp Program, a savings plan that has been in existence for 49 years. The stores are Geo. W. Robinson, Griffin’s Esso, Bob and Stoney Gro., John’s Grocery, and the Nashville Drug Company.


41 years ago: 1978

Officers were elected Friday for the newly organized North Howard Community Council.  The officers include President Titus Manasco, Vice President R. H. Pinkerton and Secretary-treasurer Jimmie Tucker. 

Harold McMullan, county coordinator for Emergency Preparedness, told of the details involved in setting up a rural fire department.  He assured his cooperation in the project.