Home Early Files The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files

The Cecil ‘Birddog’ Harris Memorial Early Files


125 years ago:  1894

Many masculine minds revolt at women in business and women in athletics. It seems the world to them has gone wrong.  New generations of men, however, may look differently upon these things. The present generation was not born to them. He who from his earliest years views women in bloomers and mounted on bicycles will think no more of it than if they were passing on side saddles.

The United States has and offers as a gift to the homesteader 4,000,000 acres.  The state has for sell and donation 1,500,000 acres. The St. Louis Iron Mountain and Little Rock and Ft. Smith Railways have for sale at low prices on easy terms and undisputed title about 2,000,000 acres.  

(Adv.) Have you tried Plantation Liver Pills for habitual constipation? They are perfectly delightful and a sure cure. Price 25 cents.  Sold by Nashville Drug Co. and T.J. Elrod, Nashville


Larry Renard (left), representing Briar Plant employees, presents Neva Byrd, president and John Reuther of the Howard County Heritage Club a check for $2,031 to pay off the 15-year note for the museum, formerly the Presbyterian Church, on March 26, 1987.

97 years ago: 1922

A clean town, clean folks and clean sport is the name Nashville has, and it is one to be proud of. The Nashville football team is one of the cleanest aggregations to be found anywhere, and Nashville should be very proud of them.

Martin Walsh, manager of the Krippendorff-Tuttle White Cliffs Products Company yesterday stated that his company is now manufacturing agricultural lime and asphalt filler at his plant at White Cliffs and is expected to start the plant on the manufacture of whiting next week.

Strayed: Red Steer, three years old, marked crop and split and underbit in right ear, an under slope on left ear, branded Mcon left hip. Owner can get same by calling and paying all expenses.


67 years ago: 1952

Earl McClure got a pleasant surprise along with a recent scare. Alton Daniels said one of Earl’s cows dropped a calf late last week.  This week someone told Earl there appeared to be something wrong with the momma cow. There was, she gave birth to a twin calf about four days after the first one was born. 

Miss Gene McJunkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McJunkins of Saratoga was recently chosen as Duchess of the Texas Christian University Rodeo Club at Fort Worth.  She represented TCU on November 1-2 at the Sam Houston State College Rodeo in Huntsville.

(Adv.) At the Elberta, open 6:15 p.m. daily, now through Friday, “The Merry Widow,” starring Lana Turner and Fernando Lamas, in Technicolor.


45 years ago: 1974

Somewhere deep in a garage in Texas, or across the Rio Grande in Mexico or across the southwest in sunny California is Jack Bennett’s Cadillac, stolen the weekend of the Arkansas-TCU game while he and Mrs. Bennett were in Dallas.  No recovery was made by Tuesday.

Martha Cothren, a senior physical education English major from Dierks, has been selected to appear in the 1974-75 edition of “Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges” according to Dr. Robert Luther, Dean of Student Development at Henderson State College.