Home Breaking News HCCC no longer recycling plastic

HCCC no longer recycling plastic


By Louie Graves

News-Leader staff

Tumbling prices for recycled plastic have had a domino effect in the member counties of the Upper Southwest Arkansas Solid Waste District.

Last week, the recycling project at the Howard County Children’s Center discontinued taking plastic. Administrator Rose Ray said that the loss of the market forced the center to discontinue the service, but she emphasized that recycling of aluminum, paper and cardboard would continue.

Mitch Nobles, administrator of the solid waste district, said that the district’s trucks normally picked up and delivered a weekly average of three large loads of plastic to the Children’s Center. 

He said that the district had collection bins in each of the district’s nine counties, and that there were several other recycling institutions which had discontinued taking plastic.

The Children’s Center recycling project provided some work and payroll for adult clients, and was a needed source of income for the center’s operation.

The effect will be increased volume of waste put into the district’s landfill north of Nashville, and increased tipping fees for the cities and counties of the district.

The solid waste district includes Howard, Pike, Polk, Montgomery, Sevier, Little River, Hempstead, Lafayette and Nevada counties, and all of the cities with the exception of Hope in Hempstead County.