125 years ago: 1894
On November 6 will come the culminating act in the political arena of 1894. Voters pause on your way to the polls and think whether you will vote for your country or whether you will vote for government plunderers, men who want congress to give millions to exterminate the rush of thistle in the north, but not a cent to redeem this dear old southland of ours.
It is silly to advise a fast young man to stop and think. Try to induce him to think and stop. The thinking must come first.
The coal area of Arkansas is large enough to supply the whole country for years to come.
(Adv.) Graded High School, W. T. Somervell, principal with a full core of competent assistants, Languages, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, music by a competent instructor, session of ten months.
97 years ago: 1922
Coach Moody’s Scrappers last Friday added another victory to their list when they defeated the Horatio High School team on the local gridiron with a score of 30 to 6. The Horatio boys were good losers and although they came here to win if possible, they returned home in good spirits and with goodwill toward the local team.
This issue of the News is being put to press several hours early so that we may close and take part in the celebration of Armistice Day. Practically all businesses in the city have signed an agreement to close at 12:00 and remain closed for the balance of the day and afternoon. The afternoon will be spent in celebrating the close of the World War.
(Adv.) Your money back if Snipe’s Japicura, fails to give satisfaction in treating itch, ezema, head tetter, ringworm or old sores. Japicura is agreeable to use and is not greasy. Price 60 cents at all drug stores. Sold by people’s Drug in Nashville.
67 years ago: 1952
Friday at 9:00 a.m. Nashville’s people go to work to get $42,000 to build an industrial plant for the Case Shear Company. Carl Freel is chairman of the finance meeting at 9:00 at the Plaza Café to have coffee before beginning a door-knocking campaign to sell $100 minimum shares in the industrial cooperation.
Tommy Trent and the Dixie Mountaineers will appear in person at the Center Point School auditorium Tuesday, November 11. Show time is 7:30 p.m. The Center Point School is sponsoring the show. Admission prices are 60 cents for adults and 30 cents for children.
Most of Nashville’s businesses will be closed Tuesday in celebration of Armistice Day, a national holiday. Mayor Martin Nowell said that most of the businesses would observe the holiday. The First National Bank will be closed and the post office window will be open one hour from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m.
(Adv.) All America thrills to the flashing new ‘53 Dodge. In city after city, town after town record-breaking crowds are thronging Dodge dealer showrooms. Road test the action car for active Americans. Nowell Motor Co., 400 North Main Street, phone 450
45 years ago: 1974
A young couple moving from Dierks to Delight Monday night encountered four calves running head-on down State Highway 26. In the impact of car with calves, Mr. and Mrs. Jaydee McBay suffered cuts and bruises. She was kept in Memorial Hospital here overnight for observation. He was treated for facial cuts and was released.
This year Nashville Junior High has acquired a new coach. His name is Danny H. Howard and he leads a very busy life. This busy life began 25 years ago in Dierks, Arkansas with his parents Floyce and Ruth Howard.
Danny grew up in a family of five. He graduated from Dierks and went to Henderson at Arkadelphia where he played football for four years. Soon after graduation from college he married Jacque Jamison of Nashville.