Home Opinion Mine Creek Revelations by Louie Graves: Proud Voices

Mine Creek Revelations by Louie Graves: Proud Voices


I ROSE for the National Anthem and the school songs, Friday night in the ‘Holler’ at Dierks. It was good to get up and take my broad backside off those cold aluminum bleachers.

As I stood there enjoying the student musicians from Dierks and Mineral Springs, I remembered that words for both school songs were written by coeds at each school.

I knew this because several years ago I wrote a feature article about the school songs at our local high schools. I dug out the article and refreshed my memory.

A Grand Old School

The late Jackie Simpson Dyer wrote the words to the Dierks song in 1945 or ‘46 during study hall. She told me she had heard other schools singing their songs, and decided that Dierks needed one, too. “We might have been little, but we were loud and we were the Outlaws,” she told me. She put the words to the music of a familiar tune, “Our Director,” music heard at all kinds of school functions and promotions. Jackie told me that as they sing the song, the students and fans wave their right index finger for Number One.

Ever will we sing thy praises

Ever will we think of thee.

As a school of pleasant hours

And a school of pleasant memories

We love you dear old Dierks High School

We think you are supreme

Because you’re such a grand old school

We hold with high esteem.

Our Colors Mean Loyalty

The late Mary Jo Gentry Green and her friend, the late Glenette Sanders, went to a Future Homemakers of America state convention in 1947. She told me that the delegates all stood and sang the FHA song which was to the tune of ‘Brahm’s Lullaby.”

The girls returned home determined to write a Mineral Springs school song. “The words just tumbled out,” Mary Jo told me. The girls took it to the school’s legendary music teacher, Marjorie Copeland, who promoted it among the student body.

Students and fans often wave their arms in time to the music.

Dear Ole Mineral

How we love you

We will always be true.

Our colors green and gold

Mean loyalty to you.

Dear Ole Mineral

How we love you

As in days of our youth.

As we live as we work

You will guide us in truth.

A Student’s Humble Love

This Friday night, the Mineral Springs Hornets will host their rivals, the Murfreesboro Rattlers, who have their own original school song. Both the words and the tune are original, according to the late Opal Cooley, a student at about the time the student body voted in 1939 to adopt the song by the late Welton Meeks and Betty Jean Callaway.

The Murfreesboro school bookkeeper managed to save some official scrapbooks from a disastrous fire in 1997. Among the treasured papers was a copy of the student body’s vote to adopt the school song.

Students are supposed to stand a certain way, holding one hand behind their back and holding the other hand palm out. Sometime over the years the students added a ‘fang’ signal with two fingers at the end of the song.

A student’s humble love we bring

Our Alma Mater we will sing

We’ll love and cherish ‘til we die.

All glory to thee Murphy High.

For faith and hope and loyalty

Fond mem’ries that around thee cling

Our hearts are pledged to thee we sing

All glory to thee Murphy High.

We’ll be faithful and true. I’ll write about the Nashville High School song at another time. Alma Mater is Nourishing Mother in Latin.

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ANIMAL CRACKERS. A day or so after realizing I could hear birds singing again on my neighborhood walk, I heard an owl. Don’t know if it is the same one, or not, but every 8-10 months or so I am treated to that whoooooooo whoooooo in the dark.

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TWO ‘FIRSTS’ FOR our weekly football contest. I’ve participated in this contest for about 30+ years including my stint at the old ‘Nashville News,’ and I’ve never had the best picking percentage UNTIL this week.

The other ‘first’ is that for the first time in my memory, all four pickers picked identical winners this coming week. You know what this means, don’t you? I will have the best percentage again next week. Two weeks in a row! I’m getting good at this.

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HE SAID: “Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” Plato, Greek philosoper

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SHE SAID: “Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible – the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.” Virginia Satir, American author and family therapist 

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